Chapter 6

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Erica was woken up by her mother the next morning to her mother calling her downstairs for breakfast. As she got out of bed, she felt how heavy her diaper had gotten from yet another wet night. She thought about changing and showering, but opted to go eat her breakfast while it was hot. She went to sit down but was reminded by her mother to wash her hands first. As she sat down, her mother walked to her and placed a cloth bib around her neck.

"What are you doing??" Erica exclaimed.

"After how messy you were with dinner last night, you need to wear this while you eat until you can prove to me you can eat like a big girl." Her mother replied.

"Mom, that's insane, I'm 26 years old, I'm not wearing a baby bib." Erica asserted as she took off the bib.

Her mother then grabbed away her plate. "As long as you're in my house, eating my food, you'll do as I say. And I say you'll be wearing a bib while you eat." Her mother said.

Erica reluctantly put the bib back on and proceeded to eat her pancakes. Once she finished, her mother asked if she wet the bed and Erica responded telling her she had wet the diaper. Her mother then told her to lie down and wait for her to return. When her mother got back, she changed her out of her dirty diaper and into a fresh pull-up.

"I expect you to use the potty when you feel like you have to go today. No more accidents." Her mother told her as Erica's ego took another hit. From her weight gain, to her break up, to her return to her mothers, and her return to diapers, her ego was actually non-existent at this point.

Erica went to her room and changed from her night gown into a t-shirt and leggings, then decided to play some video games. After 2 bathroom reminders from her mother, she began to feel the urge to go. She thought to herself, I'll wait until I finish this task. However, she thought about it more, and after the couple accidents yesterday, decided she had lost that privilege. She rushed to and from the bathroom and went on with her morning. After lunch, her mother noted that it was beautiful out and they should go on a walk. Some fresh air would be good for her, so Erica agreed.

Before leaving, she felt her mother check her pull-up. "Looks like you managed to stay dry this morning. Good job Erica. Now go use the potty before we leave."

Erica went to the restroom, but not having to go just sat there for a minute, then they left on their walk. After about 30 minutes of walking, Erica felt the urge to pee and decided she'd stop at the next restroom. As they were walking through a park, about 20 minutes passed before she found one. At this point, Erica felt she had little time before she'd have an accident. She ran over to the bathroom feeling the urgency build as she got closer. Once she got into the bathroom she felt revolted. It looked like bathroom hadn't been cleaned in years, and there was poop all over the seat. Erica thought about just using her pull-up instead. After all, she thought, this is actually a time it'd be beneficial to use it. She then stood there in the bathroom and began flooding her pull-up. She had to go really bad, so she checked for leaks after she was done but didn't see any, then rejoined her mother.

"Did you make it?" Her mother asked. Rather than having to go through a public diaper change, Erica lied and said she had. "Good job, how about we go get some ice cream?" Her mother asked. Erica's loved ice cream, so she quickly said yes and they continued their walk. Once close enough to where they saw the ice cream shop she felt her mother check her pull-up. "Erica you're soaked! We'll have to change you when we get inside."

They entered the store and immediately went to the restroom. Luckily it was just a one person restroom so the public change wasn't too humiliating. Her mother helped her out of her wet pull-up and back into a fresh dry one. They then got their ice cream and began to eat it while walking home. The cone dripped on her hands and clothes on the way back leading to her mother cleaning her off with some napkins she had brought. With about 45 minutes of their walk left she felt her stomach grumble. The ice cream had gone right through her. While not completely lactose intolerant, she occasionally have to poop right away after eating ice cream. With only the nasty bathroom on the way, Erica would have to hold it the whole walk back. After about 5 minutes the pressure began to build. She let out a few farts along the way but she got to the point where the next one would without a doubt be wet. She began sweating and told her mom she had to go to the bathroom. Her mother responded my saying they were only about 30 minutes from home, and "big girls" can hold it for 30 minutes. Erica walked for about 5 minutes before an involuntary loud, wet fart came out. Her mother looked back and pinched her nose. Then while her mother was looking back at her, Erica stopped walking and began involuntarily soiling herself. Once finished she felt herself pee as well and she began to cry.

"Oh my goodness Erica, let's get home so I can get you cleaned up."

Her mother grabbed her hand and guided her daughter home. The 25 minute walk back became an extremely uncomfortable waddle for Erica as she could feel the slimy mess in her pull-up, hoping the pull-up would manage to contain it. As they entered the house Erica looked in the mirror noticing the poop had spread noticeably all over her backside. Her mother guided her to the bathroom and began to strip her pants and pull-up off. After wiping her clean, her mother told her to lie down. She returned with a diaper and changed her into it.

"With all the accidents you've been having, I think it's best if you just wear diapers the rest of the
night. Maybe tomorrow you can decide to be a big girl and use the potty."

Erica spent the rest of the day in just a t-shirt and her diaper, receiving one more diaper change before bed.

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