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Let's get straight into it.

If Acacia concentrated, she could hear the scratching of the Royal Scavenger's quill on the parchment. For the last hour, Acacia had been sitting outside the Royal Scavenger's meeting room, listening to his conversation. And it wasn't sounding good. He'd just signed an edict called 'Operation Scales to Bones,' that legalized the hunting of dragons, encouraged it even.

Acacia knew that greedy scavengers would always find a way to take more. Acacia raced back to the rainforest to warn her queen that the world was no longer safe for them. The Queen sent the message to the other six tribes. They would have to go into hiding; Phyrria belonged to the scavengers now.

Years had passed and most of the dragons were either in hiding, or dead. Acacia was desperate to find a solution, so she called a meeting. Each tribe sent one representative to try and solve this crisis. Heatstroke was a SandWing, highly aggressive, she had resented going into hiding from the very beginning. Peak, the SkyWing, just wished for a world where he could go about his business without fear. Current, the SeaWing, and Blizzard, the IceWing, couldn't stand doing nothing, while Marshfly, the MudWing, wanted his friends and family to be safe. Ashflare, the NightWing, was a mind reader and a prophet, and he was out for REVENGE. The scavengers had killed everyone he cared about.

The seven dragons debated for days, and many solutions were proposed, including whether they should fight back or just leave the continent entirely. Finally Peak suggested containing their Dragon Essence in something, so that even if all the dragons were gone, the Dragon Essence left behind, meant that one day, when the violence was done, dragons could return. This was the decided solution, the only question now, was: What do we put it in? It had to be a living thing, or it wouldn't work. Suggestions were thrown everywhere, but they couldn't seem to find something that wasn't going to get accidentally eaten until...

"What about scavengers?" Everyone stared at Current like she was out of her mind. "Scavengers ARE the problem Current!" Ashflare roared. "No wait! Hear me out! There had to be some good scavengers out there." Acacia thought for a minute, "You have a point, but our dragon power is too much for a single scavenger to handle." "So each of us pick one," Current seemed to think that this was the best solution, and, after a lot more discussion, so did everyone else.

Acacia now had hope, hopefor the other tribes, hope for the future. She just hoped, that somewhere out there,there were some good scavengers after all.

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