Chapter 3

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There isn't any guy that wouldn't have died to be with Kristen and my hopes of being with her were at the ultimate lowest. I couldn't compare to any other guy that wanted her yet she gave me signs that she had the slightest attraction to me and I never bothered to notice them because the way she interpreted a feeling towards guys were somehow different then you'd expect. I was shy and that didn't help me any more than already being the least attractive. It took me a year to actually start a conversation with Kristen counting the months with Jane. I saw Kristen around school and ended up finding her on social media. I started texting her and the conversations were basic small talk, but somehow we ended getting close and I didn't even truly know her. She eventually confronted me through a message about never truly talking to her.

"When are you actually going to talk to me Antonio? Because I don't think this "friendship" should go on any longer." She muttered.

"I've been trying, but I already told you that I'm the worst social guy out there."

"I'm just a simple girl and you know that."

"You're way more than that and it bothers me how you consider yourself simple."

"I'm just a girl."

"Kristen I don't really know what it is, but I like you and it's driving me crazy."

"Antonio we haven't even talked to each other in person and you already like me how is that possible?"

"I just know that I do."

"I think this needs to stop if you don't have the guts to talk to me." That was the last time we texted before the two months she blocked me on everything. In between those two months I did nothing, but stare and amuse myself with the thought that one day I'd actually talk to her. At the end of the two months she took me off her block list and I messaged her.

"Can I know why you blocked me?" Completely knowing the truth of my shy stupidity.

"You're too shy and those type of people aren't the best around me." The next day I went up to her during the end of our lunch and asked her if I could walk her to class. Of course she said yes and I could truly say that it was the longest walk ever. I made eye contact with her every ten seconds.

I remember her saying, "You make a lot of eye contact and that's good for future preferences, I just don't know how you haven't fallen yet."

I laughed and followed the same steps I started with. I kept asking a bunch of random questions that made her laugh and gave me a sense of confidence with her. Her laugh was the best thing about her and that was the first characteristic I noticed. Later that day she came out telling me that to her everything deserves a laugh. I don't know what about her made me realize the feelings I had, but whatever did made me fall more than I completely understood.

At the time there was another guy trying to take the place of her non-existent boyfriend, but I knew why she didn't have one in the first place and it was because she didn't want the drama. Garrett was tall and skinny, which I was assuming was what every girl wanted. Also to add to his list of accomplishments was being a high school track star, and me? I was a guy that did nothing, but fail classes and assume the worst. He took advantage of what he had and had every gut he needed to ask her out. He pulled up in his car and did everything I did. Which of course was met her parents and hung out for while except I didn't ask her to be my girlfriend, he pulled her out to his car and said the only words that made her say yes. I was left to be fool thinking that me and her could ever happen. I sat there thinking of what went wrong and I don't know why, but I expected her to tell me the same day. If only she acknowledged me the way I did to her and I know sometimes things don't flow the way you want them to, but eventually you become accustom to it. So I just sat there drowning in my thoughts for her, waiting.

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