Chapter 7

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Summer was approaching and I had no idea whatsoever what the heat could bring to me. Every single one of my friends probably had the same thought in their head as well and it killed to me know that I will possibly accomplish nothing, no memories, and no adventures. I assumed that all this negativity came from not having a car which I always turned to. Everything would be so much better knowing that I had a car to rely on, but in order to have such a thing I had to get a job and working wasn't my biggest strongsuit. It's not that I didn't want to work, but more of the situation was that I couldn't find a job and I've tried my hardest to find one, but luck didn't manage to go my way. Me and Frank had a full conversation on how me and him were going to move out and travel to New York.

"I've already got the apartment dude!" Frank yelled eagerly.

"It's probably like $4,000 a month, we couldn't possibly afford that and I'm not even to sure that I'm moving out there. I told you that the army or navy were my two options after highschool. Especially considering you're a grade below me. I have to get things situated and my head isn't too sure about what to do." I replied confused.

"You know exactly what you should be looking into. You're great and everybody loves your poems."

"Even if I tried getting into a good college or university or whatever. I don't have the grades they're looking for!"

"Go to a communtiy college and get your general ed and figure it out because and you and me both know there's a school out there that wants you. Hopefully in New York too."

I stood there quietly thinking about what and how I should approach myself into actually trying to look for a school that was favored for their superior literary classes.

I somehow day dreamed about later being an actual author to a collection of poems. Just imagine! I could actually be an author some day, but in order to make the dream achievable I had to work and push myself into getting noticed. Without the unnecessary voices of people who were unsupportive getting to me. Attacking my heart verbally and words hurt. I know that people say they don't, but someone so evil can just cause you to deeply think about what you're doing. Like me thinking if I could ever be worthy enough to be an author and anyone can be. Anyone can be whoever they want to be if they set their soul to it. Let their lives burn into the world of whatever they want to be.

I once wrote something for people to lead them to start working out their problems instead of letting their temper cause each other to hurt one another emotionally.

"Our flames have burned us,
Yet we continue fight fire with fire."

We are so intrigued by the smallest of things that they lead us to believe the biggest assumptions, but I ask of you to think and to register your thoughts and rehearse them to know that they will not be the cause of something unnecessary.

I know that im just a highschool kid to the people that roam the halls without care, but I can make sense at times and I want my writing to inspire people. I want them to know that they are not alone in their fight. I want them to know that just because you are afraid it doesn't mean you cannot conquer you fears. I want my writing to have people believe in the one thing they told us not to do. To never judge a book by it's cover.

I still remain unknown amongst most and I care about it, but I know I shouldn't. Ill be out there soon. So will everybody esle if they stick to it and in which they should if it's what they love.

I recently had a conversation with the greatest man alive in one of my dreams and it sounds weird I know, but this possibly could be the best advice I've ever heard in my life.

"Hello there." Emerson waved.

"How can it be? How is this possible! You're Ralph Waldo Emerson." I said as my face lit up.

"There is much more to be astonished by.

"This has to be a dream."

"Pinch yourself if you'd like, but this is as real as you'd wish it to be.

"I think I'd like to enjoy whatever it is this is."

"I've come to let you know that you are being misunderstood by the people of your generation and that is greater than yourself."

"People don't listen to anyone nowadays and why would they. People don't want to be ruled they want to be lead."

"So show them the way. Lead them to a greater good. Is it so bad, then, to be misunderstood? Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates, and Jesus, and Luther, and Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and every pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh. To be great is to be misunderstood. Be the one someone will come to and be better than yourself as you are now."

I soon woke up knowing that it was all a dream. Or was it? My mind was extracted and placed with the knowledge of wise people, but that's an exaggeration.

And I repeat his words by saying, "To be great is to be misunderstood."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2015 ⏰

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