Chapter 7

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Just then Celeste's cell phone started ringing. She broke her glare with Victor to grab it out of her bag. A huge smile lit across her face causing the men to look at one another in confusion.

"Hey," she said excitedly.

"Hey Cutie, what are you doing?" a male's voice came through the phone causing Victor to tense up and a dark look cross his face.

"I'm actually at my exes house," she admitted.

"Dropping off the little one?" he asked curiously. "I didn't think it was their time. Shoot, I was excited to surprise the both of you. I was able to finish my conference early. I'm actually headed to your place."

"Actually she got sick and she wanted to be with them," Celeste explained. "As I was leaving from dropping off a few of her things, I ended up passing out and crashing my car—"

"Shit Celeste are you okay?" the man asked. His voice was filled with concern, "Why didn't you call me when you woke? I would have come down immediately. Are you okay? Send me the address, I'll come get you and take care of the both of you."

"Fae wants to stay with her fathers," Celeste shook her head. "I'm okay, I just got sick that's all. They have been having me stay with them while I recovered. I'm almost all better now. I was just about to leave to go back home."

"Good," he sighed in relief. "Well, send me your location and I'll come get you and we will spend the day getting you a new car. You will need one once you are able to go back to work. I know it must be driving you crazy to not work. You do love to stay busy."

"You know me so well," she chuckled, rolling her eyes at the glares of the men by the truck. "Actually my exes are insisting I take one of their spare vehicles."

"Well, that would save you some money, Cutie," he chuckled. "And quit glaring, I'm not siding with them, I'm just trying to be logical." He sighed, "so are they bringing you home?"

"Yes," she sighed. "They insist that a few of them stay with me to make sure I continue to heal fine and don't push it."

"Are you back together, Celeste?" he asked nervously. "Please be honest with me."

"No," she said sternly. "We are not together."

"Okay," the man sighed in relief. "Well, is it going to cause problems with your coparenting if I stay with you? I'm sure I can get a room in a hotel if it would be easier. I told you and I mean it I don't want to cause problems for you when it comes to coparenting with your ex-husbands."

She shook her head, "It's not going to be a problem, who I have stay at my house is my business, not theirs. If they want to stay then they will just have to deal with it. I don't interfere with their relationships, they won't with mine if they know what's good for them."

"Okay, Cutie," he chuckled, "I was just making sure since I know you haven't felt ready to introduce me to them just yet."

"Yeah, I guess now is a good enough time as any," she sighed. "Just so you know they can be..."

He chuckled at her trailing off, "Alpha? Possessive? Territorial? Judgmental?" he suggested. "It's understandable with someone as beautiful as you, Cutie and you do have a daughter together. Thank you for the heads up but I'll manage. Besides the few that are staying are only staying for a few days you said, right?"

"Yes," she nodded, "and thank you for understanding."

"That's how a healthy relationship works, Celeste," he smirked. "Now when will you be home? I can use my spare key and get started on some supper if you want."

"That sounds perfect," she smiled. "Thank you. We should be there soon."

"You got it, now how many are coming?"

"Four," she answered, "the other ten are going to stay here to be with Fae."

"Alright, I'll see you when you get home, Cutie."

She hung up the phone then jumped seeing all the dark looks on their faces. North growled while clenching his fists, "Who was that, Baby?"

"Mommy's boyfriend William." They turned to see Fae standing by them. "Mommy he back?"

"Yes Fae," she smiled, "William called to say he was on his way home to surprise us."

"Me go home," she bounced excitedly. "Me miss him."

"Celeste," Owen cleared his throat. "We have more than enough room so why don't you have this gentleman come here so we all can meet him and he can spend time with Fae while she is with us?"

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