Chapter 15

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"Mommy?" Fae asked as Celeste shut the book and placed it on the nightstand.

"Yes?" She whispered.

"Promise we're staying forever?"

Celeste smiled and kissed her forehead. "Yes My Love, we're staying here forever. We're not moving out again, I promise."

"Okay," Fae's face lit up at the declaration making Celeste smile softly. "Night Mommy, love you."

"I love you too, my love, so much," she whispered standing. "Good night."

She walked out of the room and headed to the stairs. She took a step down then stopped and put her hand on the railing.

"Good girl."


"Little one asleep?" he asked as he came up beside her.

"Just about," she nodded as Nathan put his hand on her lower back.

She kept her hand on the railing as they descended the stairs and entered the living room. "Hey Pookie, how are you feeling?" Sean asked.

"I'm okay," she said, sitting down in the rocking chair. "Still a little unsure about everything but trying."

He smiled, "that's all we ask for."

"Not true," North shook his head. "We want you back as our wife, Baby. We want to ask for you to be ours again but we know we have to earn it and we will."

"But I was with him?" She said confused as she looked at him.

"One time and we weren't together so it's not like you were unfaithful to us," Owen shook his head. "It doesn't matter. Yes, it hurt seeing you with him but we know realistically even though we saw you as still ours and always will, we knew that you did not see yourself as ours when you were with him. It doesn't bother us Darling, you have no need to worry about that. And from what you told us, it doesn't like it was a pleasant time for you anyway so it doesn't count."

"But it does, I am pregnant," she frowned.

"With our baby," Owen declared. "That baby is ours."

"Owen," she whispered as tears slipped down her face.

He stood and walked over to her. Kneeling down before her, he cupped her chin, "That is our baby Celeste, now and forever."

She stared into his eyes and found truth and determination staring back at her. The last wall around her heart crumbled and she wrapped her arms around his neck as the dam broke. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

"Oh Darling, it's okay," Owen soothed as he sat down, pulling her into his lap. She wrapped her legs around his waist and buried her head into his neck. "I promise, everything will be okay." He ran his fingers through her hair as she let everything go.

He felt her body become lax and her sobs soften to sniffles. Axel gently removed her from his arms and carried her into his room. Gabe pulled the blanket back and Axel laid her in the middle of the bed.

"Here, just in case," Marc whispered as he placed a small trash can by Axel's nightstand. "I'm putting one on the other side too."

"Are you staying in here tonight?" Axel whispered as he pulled his shirt over his head.

"If it's okay with you," Marc nodded.

"You know it is," Axel smirked as Marc removed his shirt. "I never have a problem with any of you staying with me."

Celeste whimpered and pressed her face into the pillow. "Shhh, Beautiful, you're okay," Marc whispered as he slipped his pants off and caught the pajama pants Axel tossed at him. Quickly pulling them on, he got into bed and wrapped his arm around her. Axel slipped into the bed and pressed up against her, cocooning her between them. "Sweet dreams, Beautiful," Marc whispered, kissing her forehead.

Axel leaned over and kissed Marc before laying back down and they fell asleep. Celeste woke to her stomach churning and rushed into the bathroom. Emptying her stomach, she whimpered as pain throbbed in her head.

"Doll?" Axel asked, knocking on the door. She ignored him and rested her head on her arm as she fought against the wave of nausea. She heard the doorknob twist, "Unlock the door, Doll."

"Go away," she whimpered, "fine."

"Go get Luke," Axel whispered to Marc. Unable to fight it anymore, she began throwing up again. The soothing warmth of fingers pulling her hair out of her face and the smell of woods surrounded her, letting her know that Axel was the one comforting her right now. "There you go, Doll, just let it all out."

"Owww," she whimpered once she started dry heaving.

"Do you think you are done?" he asked gently as Marc took a damp washcloth and began softly wiping her mouth. Her chest jolted forward and Marc quickly stepped back as Axel leaned her over the toilet again. "Let it all out, Doll."

"Sorry," she moaned as tears slipped out of her eyes.

"There's nothing to be sorry for, Beautiful," Marc said as he got a new washcloth damp. A couple of minutes passed then she fell back against Axel, who wrapped his arms around her. "Let's try this again."

"Sorry I woke you," she whispered as Marc patted her face with the wet cloth.

"Don't be," Axel murmured in her ear. "It would have upset us if you tried to hide it from us. We've helped every time, this won't be any different."

"I'm glad you did," Marc winked, "I forgot to set my alarm so I would have overslept and not open the coffee shop in time if you hadn't."

"Speaking of which, I'll take over," Corey said as he came up to them. "Let me have that Marc, you need to get ready for work." Marc took a step back and Corey crouched down, "Hey Sweetheart."

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