2. If He Feels Anything For Me?

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He knows my answer to everything is him but what does he thinks of me makes me ponder at night,
And he needs to understand that I'm not as mature of a person he has portrayed me in his head after reading the shits I write.

There's a past of me I can't let go and he too got his stories which are slightly unheard,
And if we talk, I'd play the conversation in my head word-to-word.

I want to tell him that I'll fly up in the sky and sing my own melody, if I were a blue-bird,
But I stop myself from saying so 'cause I've a hunch that he'll find the whole idea absurd.

I'm not trying to hide my feelings, thoughts or flaws this time around,
But then I wonder how the rawness of my thoughts looks to him or if I make him feel the urge to show his long buried wound?

I get more anxious than he knows or thinks but I maintain the cool,
And maybe he thinks I'm daring while I'm fearing falling for him and make myself a fool.

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