4. The Pathetic Jane.

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The sky was gloomy but it didn't rain,
Slit my arm's flesh and blood poured out but I didn't feel the pain.

I failed a little more today and reason behind my failure is something I cannot explain,
It feels like I'm running to save myself and miss the last train.

The feeling termed as regret is running through my extreme vein,
Everyone who was close to me has started to get bored and being lonely is not something I'd like to feel again.

I stopped calling and they didn't cared, so there's nothing left to maintain,
Control over my attachment issues is what I really need to gain.

I'm delusional, I romanticize and love I'd on the brain,
I'm slowly getting numb to the hurt but it should be okay as long as I stay sane.

Being hard to love is fine too, I shouldn’t complain,
My soul is slowly getting exhausted and says, I'll forever be a crazy pathetic 16 years old jane.

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