Point Insertion

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Jaune's unconscious form began to stir, but he was quickly taken out of this form by the yell of a train horn. Begin ripped out of his thoughts he nearly falls over flat on his face.

Slowing his breathing from the abrupt shock, he looks around his surroundings, taking note of everything. Nothing out of place for a train compartment, except for how rusty and dirty everything is. Okay, now... where was he? What city was this? Oh man this going to be a long day.

Standing up, albeit with a bit of wobble, the feeling of weakness in his legs remained, but that's when he realized what he was wearing. It sure as hell wasn't his precious hoodies that I'll tell you. It was a dark-blue jumpsuit, uncomfortable, felt like sandpaper and covered in stitches and grime.

And that's when the outburst came out.

"AH! WHY!? What else are you willing to take from me?! You creepy jerk!" Man, he sounded like he got his soul crushed. Somehow, being kidnapping by a man with strange teleportation powers is like stubbing your toe in comparison to the disappearance of his Pumpkin-Pete Hoodie. Odd priorities.

Only slightly recovering from this new case of mental scaring, Jaune finally decided to go forward. Opening the door that leads to another train car, there are three other Humans, all wearing the same outfit as him, two were holding briefcases, while the other had nothing.

Seeing no threats to his safety, Jaune decides to take a seat next these people, hoping to get some answers to what an endless deluge of questions from him would actually be.

The one man standing next to the door takes notice of Jaune when he enters his view, "Hey," He asks with a hint of confusion. Jaune points at himself, "Yeah... where'd you come from?" "Huh?" "Eh, don't matter, train must've stopped at some point. Man, I keep forgetting things." Poor guy, also, that was quick and kind of confusing.

It was then Jaune noticed the man sitting across from him: he had brown hair, a goatee, and a pair of glasses on his face. He noticed his green eye looking at him in a strange way, almost suspicious of him. Its acts like that! That make you suspicious!

The train then slowed down to a crawl, the goatee man's gaze was adverted from Jaune and was put onto the door. The train stopped, and the doors opened, "Whelp, end of the line." The man said with a sigh and walked out with his suitcase. The other suitcase man followed behind the first.

Jaune, seeing an opportunity to be free from the strange goatee man, and made a bash for the door, and immediately hit something metal. He felt metal hit the back of his head as he collided with the ground, his vision was blurry, and the pain was very much not fun.

Finally, when everything was done spinning, he elevated himself onto his elbows, and then was hit by a flash of white light, letting out a quick scream that must have gotten someone's attention. Talk about a double whammy.

When he finally regained his sight, he saw the perpetrator of all his recent pain, a floating metal eyeball. Seriously? That's what was causing him all this trouble! Ugh. Well, it stayed around staring at him for a little bit, and then flew away to probably cause someone else some trouble. Jerk!

It was then he was offered a hand by someone, not really caring to remain on the cold metal floor, he took it. Only to realize who it was when he was on his feet again, it was the man with the goatee. "Uh... thank you..." He awkwardly said. The man simply nodded and walked away.

"Huh? Hey wait!" Jaune immediately began to run after the man, hoping he might be able to help him.

That's when he noticed the giant tele-screen with an old man staring down at him as he rambled on about something. City 17? The Combine? Okay, where on Remnant is he? Actually! Is he even on Remnant anymore? That's a terrifying thought. But there's also the little voice at the back of the proverbial room in his mind that said: AWSOME!

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