Red Letter Day Pt. 2

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When Gordon stepped out of the storage room, clad in his HEV suit, in all its orange glory it was meet by an overwhelmingly positive reaction. Kleiner was the first to speak up about Gordon's new attire, "Well, Gordon, I see you HEV suit still fits you like a glove. At least the glove parts do." He said while walked back to his workstation.

"You look awesome, Gordon!" Jaune praised, of course he would say that Gordon's suit is awesome, all he thought was that Gordon looked like a hero from the massive amounts of comic books he had read over the entirety of his life.

Kleiner then returned to Gordon with a clipboard in hand, "I've made a few modifications, but I'll just acquaint with the essentials." He looked down at his clipboard, the one that holds the recorded adjustments to the HEV.

He began with the introduction, "The Mark V Hazardous Environment Suit has been redesigned for comfort and utility-" He was suddenly interrupted by Barney, who along with Alyx were eyeballing the security monitor.

"Doc, we don't have time for this." He said with urgency, as the camera view showed Combine forces making their way closer to their location. The time to go was now! Jaune really wasn't prepared for the suddenness of this event, and he also really didn't want to go against the Combine again, he almost died the first time. Slowly.

"Meanwhile let's get this show on the road." Alyx said, the main three began to walk to the other end of the lab, Gordon and Jaune tagged along with the rest, curious as to what they were doing. Kleiner approached his cased bachelor's degree, turned it to the side, opening a hidden compartment to his left with an eye scanner in it.

After the scanner confirmed Kleiner's identity, the wall slides to the side, revealing the room containing the teleporter. The resistances ace up their sleeve (Not including, Gordon). Looking at the thing, it was not what Jaune expected, his perception had been ruined by seventeen years of comic books and action films.

It was two tall metal beams that were interconnected with thin beams that go diagonally, the front was covered by three metal barriers, and in the middle of it was a pad with four curved plates at the back of it. There are also the tons of cables sticking out of the thing. Guess the power supply needed for such a thing to run must've been huge.

Kleiner took his place at the control station, up on an elevated platform using a lift. Barney and Alyx then came in, Barney next to a computer close to the teleporter, while Alyx entered the teleporter with the front sliding upward.

Kleiner then spoke up, "Gordon, why don't you position yourself near the panel over there and wait for my word." He said, "What about me Dr. Kleiner?" Jaune spoke up. He looked at Jaune for a moment, thinking about what he can do, "Erm, how about you stand next to Barney for the moment." He said with a smile, but Jaune knew he couldn't really do anything, lest he cause something to explode.

Then a new voice was heard coming from the computer close to the teleporter, "Isaac, are you there?" Said the new voice. Jaune looked to the where the voice was coming from, and there he saw a man around Kleiner's age, with a white beard and hair.

"Who's that?" He whispered to Barney, "That's Eli Vance, the resistance's leader." Jaune responded with an 'ohhh', and momentarily stopped with the questions, something big was going to happen. "Yes, yes, Eli, bit of a holdup on this end."

"You'll never guess who found his way into our lab this morning." Gordon then stepped up to the screen Eli was projecting from. Eli's eyes widen from what can only be described as the surprise of a lifetime.

"That's not who I think it is, is it?" Eil said, the shock of Gordon's two-decade long disappearance ending hitting him all at once. "Indeed, it is." Kleiner reassured, "And it's our intention to send him packing straightaway, in the company of your lovely daughter. Along with an extra."

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