Point Insertion Pt. 2

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Leaping out of the interrogation room window, Jaune had a rough landing on the grass patch outside, Gordon had a better landing than him with a box breaking his fall. Lucky.

The two immediately got back up, pushed past the nearby door, going up the stairs, opening the door at the top, and found a CP standing guard at a doorway with a trashcan next to him. They walked up to the Officer, when they did, he knocked over a soda can that was sitting on top of the trashcan.

"Pick up that can." He ordered, Jaune, not wanting to get into conflict kindly picked up the can, and gently put it back in. The CP got a chuckle out of Jaune's compliance, and stepped aside. Gordon obviously gave him that look, the kind of look that said 'seriously', with a slight tilt of his jaw.

"Oh, shut up. I don't to pick a fight with a police officer!" Sound reasoning, but it didn't budge Gordon, he just walked past him and continued forward. Here they reached a large room with benches and counters where people bought their train tickets. There was a line of people before a dispenser of some kind. They ignored this and made it to the front door.

Here is where Jaune's suspicions were confirmed, he wasn't on Remnant anymore. All he saw was the mountainous tower that reached past the clouds, its foreboding nature gave him a chill up his spine, Gordon also got this same feeling upon seeing the monolithic structure.

Shaking off the shock, they looked around, they were in a plaza for sure. But was it the right one? There were multiple barricades surrounding the plaza, a watchtower was implanted to the side of a building, it had a CP that was performing overwatch of the residents. Another one of those Tele-screens was stuck to a pillar in the middles of the plaza.

"Um... okay how about that why. It's the only path that isn't blocked." Pointing at the one street that didn't have a barrier on it. Gordon gave his a shrug and both made their way.

Walking down the street they saw a CP guarding a door that was slightly opened, where Jaune got a glimpse of some police brutality. The CP simply waved him off, by raising his stun baton at him, that was enough to deter Jaune from their business.

At the end of the street they saw an armored car with a couple CP around it in front of another barricade. Then they saw... it. A massive three-legged monster trotted along the road on the other side of the barricade, the duo just stood there, gob-smacked at what they just saw.

Gordon grabbed his companion and sprinted for the alleyway to the side of the street. Hoisting Jaune over the fence, and climbing over it after him, they were met with a group of CP performing an arrest, and decided to go in the opposite direction. They saw two men standing outside their apartment building, something about being lucky about their current place.

It made sense when Jaune noticed there were CPs raiding an apartment complex. Man, this place was so totalitarian. Why on wherever they are, are these people just letting this happen? Gods this was so unfair to these people.

Gordon continued to drag Jaune along what was hopefully the right way. Going into another apartment building, they were met with musty wood walls, and concrete wall with graffiti covering them.

Moving up the stairs they see a group of CPs standing outside a door, armed with stun batons, pistols, and a submachine gun. The lead man kicked the door open and his closet bubby followed him in as the last member stood guard outside.

They immediately ducked for cover inside of another room, they were met with a man hunched over a table, bottle in hand. He gave the two a quick glance before focusing back on his drink. Whatever, they needed to further in.

They entered another room where they saw two residents staring out the window, one of them looked over at them, "Oh, I thought you were cops." Before Jaune could replay, the man looked back out the window.

Whatever, they needed to keep moving, rushing to an exit door they were back in the hallway, and slinked back into another room after seeing more CPs come up the stairs. In here they found a man and woman sitting on a couch, he was comforting her as she muttered about something depressing.

Man, why was this world showing him everything he was fighting to prevent. He was a huntsman (not really), he was supposed to stop this kind of despair! But he was thrown out of his thoughts by Gordon grabbing him and running. He heard a lot of footsteps outside.

They were back in the hallway; CPs were coming up from both sides. They were caught up in the middle of a raid, there wasn't going to be any mercy for these people.

"Wait!" he pleaded, "We have to stop these people from hurting the others!" Gordon looked at him like he lost his mind. Like hell they were going to fight the entirety of the Civil Protection.

He tightened his grip on Jaune, ignoring his pleas to be a hero. They were rushing up the stairs with a purpose, CPs hot in their heels. When they reached the next floor, they were stopped by a makeshift barricade made of dressers and tables. "Psst! Hey you! In here!" there was a man motioning to them, they complied.

Moving into the room they saw more people inside, all probably taking refuge here from the raid. "Head for the roof! There's no time!" "CPs!" Yelled another man who ran into the room, obviously running for his life.

Gordon's flight instincts took over and ran for the roof, dragging Jaune behind him. Moving past more people, moving through every room they entered, the people inside these room dropped whatever they were doing and also began to run for it.

Another door lead out to the floors hallway, to the right was another barricade, to the left, a stairwell. Moving to it, he swerved to the right moving up, below them more CPs were rushed up the stairs.

Reaching the end of they saw a man holding a door open for them, "Get in here, quick!" As they barreled, they're into the room, the man slammed the door behind them, putting his weight on it to slow down the CPs.

"Keep moving. Head for the roof!" Their close to the roof! Good. Moving up the stairs they finally reached the attic. "Um, how do we get out of here?" They frantically looked around for an exit, then Gordon noticed that behind a pile of boxes, there was some light shining through it.

He pointed over to it and began to move the boxes. Jaune aided in his removal effort, but then they heard a door being bashed open, they were through. The pace quickened as the two hurried to remove the boxes. Soon, they were through, just as the exit opened it's self-up to them, the CPs arrived.

Rushing across a rooftop and shimming across a thin wooden board, whilst being pursued by police with a few taking shots at them, they crawled through a window and into another attic. "Down there!" Jaune pointed at some stairs leading down. As they went down and entered another room, which was basically a hallway with two doors on either side.

Then, the two doors were kicked open, CPs rushed into the room and battered down the duo with their batons. Jaune tried to put up a fight, but let's be honest, he sucks at fist fighting.

As he felt the electric sting and the metal whack of a baton across his face and torso, he lost his footing and fell over, and the CPs decided to begin using their feet to kick him whilst he's down.

'So, this is how I die?' Jaune thought.

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