The Arrival

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To say Jaune was scared would be an understatement, he was terrified! It only made sense for someone who found himself stuck in the void. How he got here... that's a good question, mainly because the answer to it doesn't exist.

All he did was go to bed and then woke up here, no explanation, just woke up in the void. Kind of crazy, and very terrifying. Was this some kind of kidnapping? If it is, WHY!? Why would you dump your victim in who knows were?!  

Regardless, he must find a way to get out, to get back to Beacon and the others. It's all he set his mind to, it was the best course of action to take in a situation like this. But how do you get out? Rats, that's gonna be a hard answer to find.

Whatever, with enough... whatever it takes, he will return home and he wil-"Ah... Mr. Arc," "AHHHH!" yelled Jaune as the unknown voice made it's self known. Jaune frantically looked around, trying to find the man behind the voice, then, he locked eye's with something in the dark.

When he did, it stepped forward, revealing that the voice belongs to a man. A man in a dark-blue business suit, with an odd face and unnerving green eye's. Jaune doesn't feel right, nothing about this person feels right, its such an unnerving feeling this guy is giving off.

"Anyway," Recovering the dialogue from Jaune's abrupt scream, "Your probably in need of an explanation of your," He breathed through his teeth, making what can only be described as a scraping sound. "Current... situation." "Yeah, no kidding! I wake up in complete darkness! So wanting to the WHY, behind it is pretty obvious!" The man simply stared at him, almost disapproving in a way.

"You don't belong here, your mere presence is an... oddity, an unexpected event." "Oh, okay that makes-... Wait, that just makes everything more confusing!" Appearing out of nowhere? What was he, magical?! Or maybe his kidnapping theory still held some water. Whatever, just keep asking this really creepy dude questions and maybe the truth can be found.

"That's impossible! I couldn't have just appeared! Only superhero's can do that!" He said, pointing the judgment pointer at the "Man". "I don't make jokes, Mr. Arc, I am merely telling the truth, even if you," Here we go again with that breathing! "Refuse to acknowledge it."

Okay, maybe he did just pop into this reality through thin air, BUT! There's still the chance that this dude has his pants on fire. "Okay, so, what if I 'acknowledge' that I'm some kind of alien or something like that, what then?"

"That's not important," Then why did you bring it up!? "But what is more important, is how you'll... benefit us." What. "What."

"Yes, Mr. Arc. Your sudden appearance has been... noticed by my employers." This is your job? "And they have... authorized me to bring into the fold, so to speak." Weird that your bosses find me so troublesome, but this is still not making any sense. Time to ask, "Okay! One question, what was that about bringing me into the fold talk about?"

He gave Jaune a bone chilling smile, "Here is the answer to your question." It was just like that when everything began to warp and change, the darkness was ripped away revealing an endless steel corridor. Weird metal pods being shifted around. The man began to speak again, " With your arrival, our plans have become...more complicated, but they have learned to make the most out of a... poor situation, hm."

The steel corridor was replaced by the the courtyard of... BEACON! Oh no! "They" knew about Beacon and Remnant, whatever this guy was capable of, Remnant could be affected just like him! But not like the man cared about Jaune's internal panicking, as continued on with his monologue.

"Regardless, your new position in our... plans will have great effects in due time." What was this guy on about?! None of this was making sense, nothing made any kind of sense!? 

Then the courtyard faded away, being replaced by what looks to be the interior of a train? "Ah, it looks like our time together has reached it's end," Finally, anything would be better away from him. He locked eye's with Jaune once again, the eeriness of his gaze alone still creeps him out.

"So... wake up, Mr. Arc. Wake up, and ready yourself."  

With a blinding burst of white light, Jaune finds himself inside a train, going somewhere? He feels the weight of this whole situation push itself upon him, as he fall onto the seat. He thinks about everything. How did this even happen? He just appears and now he's suppose to be apart of this guy's bosses plan? What plan?!

What did he do to deserve this. Maybe something with cheating his way into Beacon, maybe it's for being a useless, coward. Must be something, just something!

He begins to feel exhausted, this whole this is making his head spin. He lays back, letting his eye shut and his mind go numb. What a terrible day.

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