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Today was the day, that I, Kevin Price, would be going on my first mission. I was currently standing in line, sweating on my palms, and my tie slightly too tight around my neck. The other Mormons stood with me, looking equally nervous, if not more.

 I notice my friend, Elder Smith at the end, fiddling with his tie, looking around the area with a panicked face. I leaned over to him, giving him a comforting smile, which seemed to help. 

After many long minutes, our 'boss' came over, "Step forward when your name is called!" He yelled out, "Elder Young!" He yelled, and he stepped forward, smiling, "Your mission brother will be... Elder Grant!" Elder Young and Elder Grant looked at each other, greeting with a large smile. 

Boss continued down the list on who's with who, and where they're going on their mission. I prayed to go to Orlando, Florida, wanting to go for many years. Zoning out, thinking about the amazing place, someone lightly pushed me, making me come back, "Elder Price!" Boss said, I looked around, "Y-Yes Sir!" I stuttered. "Your mission brother will be, Elder Cunningham!" I look over to a small, curly haired boy walking over, "Hi!" He smiled, "H-Hello." I said back, waiting to hear where we'll be going.

"Your Mission location is.. UGANDA!" He said, I could feel my heart shatter, "...Uganda?" At least Cunningham seemed happy. 


As I packed my bags, I sighed, looking at an Orlando poster on my wall, "Until next time, great friend." I whisper to myself, zipping up the suitcase. Many of my other missionaries were standing outside, waiting for me. There were many different people, some of them looking professional, and some looking new to the task. I sighed loudly, "We should get going." I said to the few men, and they nodded, getting into the busses. I sat in a bus-cart with Elder Cunningham. As Cunningham talked my ears off about Star Wars and Lord of the Rings, I stared through the window, tired. 

We soon reached the airport, and after around 30 minutes, we were up in the air. This is going to be a long trip...

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