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A/n: This is a story request by @KingOfStories666 so let's get this party STARTED


The scene cuts to a kid, surrounded by 10 others, all who were dead as they weren't moving and their body's seemed to be somewhat withered, as if they were... poisoned. The boy at the center didn't show his face as he looked around at the other body's "Pathetic damn wastes," the boy said while walking away as sirens approached "Freeze!" one yelled at the kid held his hands up and was taken into custody.

After a few days a court was held and the kid wore a cloak that had it's hood up as if the kid was trying to hide his face "All rise for the court case of (Y/n) (L/n)," a guard said as the kid now named (Y/n) still remained seated "You may all be seated," the judge said as they looked towards a few papers and looked towards (Y/n).  "Mr. (L/n), you are under the charges of killing 10 students from your school, how do you plea?" the judge asked "Guilty," (Y/n) responded as he looked towards the judge "All I did was kill vermin who thought they could push me around," he said leaving the judge in shock.

"Well... if that's the case, for your crimes we will send you to Nevermore Academy to learn to cooperate with outcasts," the judge said as (Y/n) started to protest "HELL NO!" "It's ether Nevermore, or you will be given the death sentence," the judge said sternly which trapped (Y/n) in a corner as it was ether spend time around the people he hated the most or be killed for his actions.  After a while (Y/n) caved and spoke "I'll go to the stupid school," he said as he sunk into his chair as he heard the sound of the gavel slam and was dragged away towards a train station as he was let loose from his cuffs and officers escorted him inside.

Once inside, the officers left and the train started moving as (Y/n) started to regret his decision and looked outside the window as he suck deeper into his chair and laid his head on the Window as he started to feel anger grow as flashes of when he was a child went through his head and slammed his hand on the window as he slowly to see the town of Jericho.

He got off the train as he was greeted by the town sheriff "You (Y/n)?" he asked as (Y/n) nodded his head and got signaled by him to follow as he just cooperated and didn't want to fight back, he got in the cop car and was driven towards Nevermore where a tall women with white hair was waiting up front. He got out the car as the sheriff followed "Greetings I'm Larissa Weems, but up you'll adress me as Ms. Weems," she said while holding her hand out for a hand shake, (Y/n) accepted as he shook her hand while ensuring his gloves were on tightly before pulling his hand back as Weems did the same.

"Thank you, sheriff Galpin, I'll take it from here," Weems said as the sheriff left and Weems signaled (Y/n) to follow her "I heard why you were sent her and might I say, I'm quite shocked you would kill outcasts when you yourself are one," she said as (Y/n) muttered something under his breath, but didn't stop following her.

"While in Nevermore, I'm sure you won't even think about laying a finger on any other student," she said as (Y/n) just nodded along with what she was saying despite him not paying attention, eventually they reached Weems's office as they sat down and Weems started to explain Nevermore and handed him his class schedule and door room number. Eventually Weems asked a couple of questions which (Y/n) responded, but it was obvious that (Y/n) just wanted to get it over with and didn't care for anything she was saying nor asking as he was in his own mind.

"Mr. (L/n), can you please take this seriously," Weems said as (Y/n) just sighed and sat straight up finally deciding to take this seriously "Now many I ask, Why do you hate outcasts?" Weems asked as (Y/n) just glared at her "I don't have to tell you," he said as Weems just gave a sigh of defeat and looked towards her paperwork as she noticed something odd. "It appears Mr. (L/n), you haven't filled out the part describing what kind of Outcast you identify as," she said as (Y/n) looked away and sunk back into his chair "Mr. (L/n), being part of nevermore means not being afraid to share what your identity is," Weems said as (Y/n) didn't respond but just scoffed at her statement.

"The hell does it matter, I'm not an outcast and never will be, not in a million years to come," (Y/n) said with clear anger in his voice as he started to grip his arm, almost as if trying to hold himself in place "Mr. (L/n), please understand that you ether follow the rules or you will return home to a death sentence labeled to your head," Weems said seemingly fed up with (Y/n)'s attitude. "Now which shall you choose?" she asked as (Y/n) realized he was trapped in another corner as he gave a sigh of defeat and hesitated at first before removing his hood to reveal his head was seemingly transparent and his skull was visible "Get ready for my long explanation," he said before starting to explain.


A/n: I'm only doing this story request for right now and not any others, at least not until I run out of ideas and some of my story's are complete

The 'outsider' Outcast//Enid Sinclair x Male 'Mister bones' readerWhere stories live. Discover now