Chapter XVII "Realizations and Blood Moon"

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(Y/n) POV:

I was sitting in the cell next to the kid Wednesday pointed at for being the Hyde, Xavier, who was heavily chained while he walked around his cell and I was repeatedly banging on the bars towards the guard facing us "Can you guys please listen?! For once in my life and for the first time since I've been in prison, I'm innocent!" I yelled out. "And for the last time in my life since you came in here... Shut up!" he yelled back returning to his paper work "C'mon! Get Sheriff Galpin on the phone for me! I need to talk to him!" I was practically begging as he slammed his pen down and looked at me "Keep talking... I'll tase you..." he warned.

I groaned, slamming the bars and walked away from my cell door, pacing back and forth "...I'm guessing Wednesday framed you as well..." I heard Xavier ask, looking towards me while au stayed looking down, rubbing my temples in annoyance "...Not framed by her... but she's part of the reason I'm in here..." I replied before an idea popped into my head. I stood up and ran back to my cell door and banged on the bars "Hey! I still haven't it used my phone call! Right?!" I asked, but he ignored me "It's my legal right! Least you could do is let me have my damn call!" I yelled and banged on the bar again, causing it to bend a bit.

He sighed and looked up at me again "...Who are you even gonna call?" he asked "Nevermore, tell them to pass the phone to pass the phone to Wednesday Addams..." I said, and reluctantly he got up, unlocking my cell, putting handcuffs on me and walking me towards the phones, standing at the doorway as he watched me make my call.

Wednesday POV:

I realized my blunder and realized who the real Hyde was after my kiss with Tyler, I knew I should've guess it from the start, the description given by (Y/n) matched him perfectly, but I let my emotions get in the way, however now I was getting the Nightshade Society to help me and I was in my room preparing my things while looking towards Enid who was crying over seeing (Y/n) being taken by the police. "You can stop crying, it's just a boy," I rolled my eyes at her which made her look at me with teary eyes "Just a boy?... That 'boy' was the only one who was by my side even if not from the beginning! He was the only one who comforted me when I needed it...!" she yelled back, returning to crying into her pillow before a knock was then heard at the door.

"Who is it?" I asked from inside and Ms. Weem's entered "Addams, you have a phone call," she said, leading me back to her office and handing me the phone on the table "Hello?" I asked while holding it up to my ear "So... some guess you made..." I heard (Y/n)'s voice from the other end "I take it you called out of spite for me, didn't you?" I asked.

(Y/n) POV:

"Not just spite... I'm angry... I gave you a perfect description with little information and you guessed Xavier?!" I yelled a bit, clenching the phone in my hands "To be fair both matched the description perfectly and you couldn't describe any features so the way I see it, this is your fault," she retorted with her calm voice.  I clenched the phone even harder "WHO HAD STUCK BY YOUR SIDE SINCE THE START?! CERTAINLY NOT XAVIER YOU DUMB BLACK AND WHITE FILTER!" I yelled in frustration "Don't worry, I'm heading out to expose Tyler right now, and as soon as that's done they'll drop the charges and you'll walk out alive," she responded.

"You don't understand, They think I killed the Mayor, One of his son's friends and I am the Hyde's master!" 'Even if I did run over the mayor and kinda poisoned a kid,' "Those charged won't just be dropped without evidence I didn't commit them!" I explained the situation and I heard silence on the other side. "...Where did you supposedly kill one of the mayor's friends?" she asked suddenly "Back in the Rave'N, outback where the prank was pulled... I didn't touch anyone, he punched me across the face and killed himself, that's just what happened if anyone touched me," I explained.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02 ⏰

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