Chapter IX "Rave'N and Reveal"

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(Y/n) POV:

'What the hell is wrong with me?' was the question I asked myself repeatedly while in class, usually I would be thinking about the days getting closer till complete elimination of outcasts but today was different, that stuff was pushed farther back in my mind and that thought surrounded itself around me. I started to get lost farther until I started to hear my name being called and I suddenly snapped out of it "(Y/n)?" I heard Laurel ask "Yea?" I said in confusion "We're you paying attention to anything I said?" she asked, I looked around and realized I was in class before saying "Absolutely not".

She simply sighed in disappointment continuing with what she was saying before "As I was saying, I know you're all excited about Saturday, which is why I haven't assigned any homework," everyone then gave a small cheer before falling silent when she added "But I do still need volunteers for the decorating committee," too which a few student raised their hands "Anyone interested, come and see me up here," she finished.  A few people got up from their seat, some to volunteer, and some to leave as I too got up and headed for the exit "(Y/n), do you mind if I speak to you?" Laurel asked 'Goddamnit,' I turned back around and walked up towards Laurel as she silently whispered "Attempt to keep Wednesday busy while at the Rave'N," "I don't know who your talking to cause I ain't going," I said while attempting to leave.

She then grabbed my shoulder and said "You ARE going, we need to make sure Wednesday doesn't do anything to sabotage our plan," "Then why don't you get your pet to do it?" I asked which made her glare at me "Because Wednesday isn't an affectionate person," she said.  I stayed in silence for awhile before asking "Is it required for me to ask her to the Rave'N?" I asked as she shook her head "Fine, then I'll do it, but your going to owe me for this," I said while glaring back at her and walking towards the exit before leaving.

I was making my way back towards my dorm when I was suddenly stopped by Wednesday "Well... usually it's you who ignores me and Enid who stops me," I said, but she didn't react "What are you hiding?" she asked "What do you mean?" I replied in confusion "Your trying to accomplish something, otherwise you wouldn't have comforted Enid," she said which made me pause for a moment.  I was silent for awhile but eventually found my wording "I helped Enid because she needed it," I said, not sure wether it was truly a lie "For someone who hate's Outcasts you sure like helping them," she responded.

I tried to walk around her, but she quickly moved in front of me "Unless you have something worth my time, I suggest you walk another way," I said, getting angrier "I'm working on something, and if you have information that brings me closer to such a goal, then I will find out what it is," she said before walking away.  It took me a second to realize that she meant the Outcast elimination plan and out of reaction I quickly grabbed my phone and called Laurel "What is it?" she asked "You know how you said that I'm supposed to keep an eye on Wednesday?" I asked "Yea?" she replied "I think she's on to me," I simply said.

She was silent for awhile before giving a sigh of disappointment "Can't I rely on you to do anything?" she asked with anger in her voice "With the little respect that I have for you Laurel... I'm not the one sitting in a chair and sending others to do work that would get my hands dirty," I said as it was shortly followed by dial tone 'That's what I thought'.  I made my way to my room without any farther interruptions before laying in my bed and trying to relax 'Now I have to be carful of pissing off Wednesday, but then again she's not the first... nor the last,' I thought to myself while trying to get comfortable.

I then suddenly heard a knock on my door, but since I already knew who it was I just stayed silent 'Maybe if I don't answer they'll leave,' was what I was originally thinking, until the knocking got louder and more harder, until the door suddenly fell off it's hinges "Giving up that death sentence wasn't worth this," I said to myself before sitting up and seeing an apologetic Enid and a dead eyed Wednesday.  I got up and looked at the door on the floor before face palming "Guess I'm going to the hard wear store," I said while walking past them both "Actually (Y/n)," I heard Enid say while grabbing my shoulder "Maybe we can all go together," she said which only made me confused.

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