Chapter XIII "Dragged In and Bloody Hands"

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(Y/n) POV:

I was waiting outside Crackstone's Crypt, simply leaning on the door as I waited for someone 'I don't understand why I let Enid drag me into this...' I sighed before seeing flashlights in the distance, giving me the signal to enter the crypt "She's here, places everyone!" I yelled while hiding myself and everyone followed suit. After a few seconds of waiting, foot steps were heard outside and we all fell silent, and once the person entered, taking a few steps forward and stopping a few times, before stopping once and asking "Enid?" nevertheless, we stayed quite and waited for the right moment as they continued and walked around the room, shining their flashlight around.

Someone the suddenly coughed, causing the person to immediately turn towards where it came from "Whoever you are, show yourself," they commanded, but we didn't listen "Try anything and you'll lose limbs," they threatened as we all then came out from our hiding places "Surprise!" we all yelled with a few of them laughing. Wednesday stood and starred at us, clearly annoyed before we all started singing her happy birthday with Enid walking in with her cake, yet she still had no reaction, until we were finished singing and she pointed her flashlight towards the hand that told us "I should have known you were behind this," she told it.

The hand seemed a bit upset... not sure how I can tell it's emotions, but still, it did and it only became worse when Wednesday said "What part of 'No party under the penalty of death' do you not understand?" she asked it, but Xavier quickly changed the subject "I thought my cake design was pretty inspired," he said "The pink balloon was my little touch," Enid added. She then shined her flashlight at me "Never thought a crypt would need two dead men in here," she spat at me "And I never thought someone so smart could fall for something so dumb," I spat back "Why are here?" she asked "Enid dragged me into this," I shrugged.

Enid then quickly shifted Wednesdays focus off me "Why don't you make a wish?" she asked, but Wednesday completely ignored her and started looking around the room as the candles started dying out before finding something the caught her eyes and approached it "Wait, it's latin," she pointed out about writing on a wall.  She looked at it closely before reading it "Fire will rain... when I rise," "That's not really a wish," Enid said "Maybe because it isn't," I facepalmed "The first part of that phrase was burned on Nevermore's lawn, it can't be a coincidence," she said "Wait, we're never eating that cake, are we?" Ajax asked "So help me, anyone mention a word related to birthdays again, I'll gut you," I threatened.

Wednesday only ignored our bickering as she then touched the words on the stone and pulled back before suddenly flinging her head up and falling back "Wednesday!" Enid yelled worried before quickly tossing the cake and going to help Wednesday "...So my time here is done?" I asked but only received stares "What? if she's just gonna pass out like that, I see no point in staying," I attempted to reason.  Enid then started trying to pick up Wednesday "A little help?" she asked, making me reluctantly walk up to her and pick up the knocked out Wednesday and toss her over my shoulder "Where to?" I asked, but everyone now looked at me surprised.

I looked around once again at the stares "What? She isn't that heavy, and I have some strength," I excused "Let's just take her back to the dorm," Enid said before leading me towards their dorm room, and almost as soon as I entered I was blasted with both a flash bang of color and a dead black stain.  I immediately knew which side was Wednesdays and laid her on her bed "Thanks," Enid said "Not a problem, now if you excuse, I want to sleep," I said while walking away "Wait! aren't you forgetting something?" Enid asked while smiling "...Do I have to?" I asked as she repeatedly nodded "...Fine," I reluctantly gave in and walked up to her.

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