What a Reception

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author's note* so finally I finished the second chapter I hope it didn't feel like too much of a wait. I hope you all like. And from this chapter you'll probs learn that i'm super obsessed with wedding shows haha

"Can you both wait here for a few minutes? I thought they had this all set up but I guess not." The wedding planner tells us speaking mostly to her self though as she hurries out the door.

I turn to Lauren giving her a look that makes her laugh. And for the first time I begin to take in her dress. Lauren looks so lovely. The dress is a sweetheart neckline with lace all along the dress then it turns into a mermaid style towards the bottom. It really seems to have been made for her because it hugs her in all the right places. I can't believe I got so lucky. I never dreamed I'd be getting married to such beautiful person. I think what I like the most about her so far is her eyes. They are an exquisite green that seem to reflect her feelings. I couldn't help but notice the excitement in her eyes when she was finally was able to turn around and see me. It was a look of relief. I bet mine reflected the same. We talk for a bit.

Finally the wedding planner comes back and leads us outside. We eventually get to where we are supposed to be taking pictures and the scenery is so picturesque. They have really outdone themselves. The sun is setting and we are standing inside this gazebo that has fairy lights covering it. It's so charming. We each are holding a mason jar with a candle inside it with a type of material surrounding the outside of the jar making the light emanating from it seem warm and soft. It totally reminds me of A Cinderella Story and then it happens.

"Normani doesn't this remind you of A Cinderella Story." Lauren smiles brightly as she whispers to me. My heart does a little jump, connections it's like she's in my head.

"I was just thinking the same thing." I smile at her.

We take a ton of pictures but none of us kissing. I'm a bit nervous about doing that again. And what do you know the photographer asks, "Can you guys pose where you're kissing? This will be the last one then you can go to the reception."

Great this is just great. I clear my throat and begin to wrap my arms around Lauren. She tries to hold back a smile. And I melt, great just great. She brings her lips to mine and I feel it, the softness of her lips and the taste of them. I'm feeling a bit giddy. I never believed in love at first sight but she may have me changing that. Or maybe I'm just feeling this now because of the whirlwind of emotions today. I mean a lot has happened. I just married someone I've never met before. I hope she's not crazy. No she couldn't be I mean look at her. Plus the experts would not have set me up with someone like that because I specifically specified that I did not want someone who was crazy.

"Aww look at the happy couple." The photographer says. Lauren and I look away from each other. Thanks dude for making it super awkward, as if it wasn't already.

"Umm how's about we go back inside?"

"Sounds like a great idea." Lauren looks at me with a look of relief.

We head back inside for the reception. We're standing outside the reception hall waiting to be announced as a married couple. This is insane. Wow.

While waiting to be called in Lauren and I start talking. I'm asking questions like "What do you do for a living?"

"Oh well I'm an artist, how about you?"

"Nice what type of artist? And well I'm a dancer."

"I'm a sculptor, but I sometimes just do photograph. I have a home studio where I sculpt and within the studio I have a small dark room in the back. But what kind of dancer are you?"

"Wow, that home studio sounds amazing. I can't wait to see some of your art. I'm a ballerina and I tour with a dance company."

"Whoa that's awesome-" Lauren gets cut off by the DJ who's introducing us, "I'd like to introduce the lovely couple Lauren and Normani Hamilton- Jauregui."

I grab her hand, she looks down at our interlocked fingers and quickly looks away but not before I see the smile on her face. We walk in.

Every one claps and excitedly looks at us as we make our entrance. It's quite intimidating. But then Lauren squeezes my hand and I look over to her and she looks a bit nervous as well. It calms me.

We get to the dance floor for our first dance. The DJ gets everyone to quiet down and then I hear it. Can't Help Falling In Love by Ingrid Michaelson.

"They picked the song I wanted." I beam.

"You wanted this song?" She pulls back a bit looking into my eyes puzzled. "So did I. This is so weird."

"Yeah, I know what are the odds." She comes back to rest her head on my shoulder and we continue to sway to the music.

Oh my darling so it goes... some things are meant to be

After a while Lauren says, "This is nice."

As the song comes to a close the DJ tells everyone to join us on the dance floor for the next song, which is Love by Matt White.

I look around to see friends and family join us. My dad asking my mom to dance by reaching out for her hand and my mom smiling as she grabs it. I see my grandma blowing me a kiss. Ally hurriedly rushing to the dance floor with Troy in tow, ginning at her. Then I see my maid of honor, Dinah walking over to Lauren's maid of honor, I didn't get to catch her name but obviously Dinah did. They come to the dance floor and I catch Dinah's eyes giving her a look that says you have to tell me all about this later. She just smiles and nods.

I look back to Lauren and she's looking at all her family and friends coming towards the dance floor. Some she's smiling at and others she's silently communicating with through subtle looks. "What? Do I have lipstick on my teeth?"

"No just admiring." I say. Wow that was bold I don't know where that came from.

After the song comes to a close the DJ calls for everyone to sit because its time for toasts.

Dinah winks at me and raises her glass. Oh my what is Dinah going to say.

"Hey everyone, I'm Dinah." She pauses and takes a breath. "So when asked to be Mani's maid of honor she specifically told me not to mention a few things so obviously I'm not going to talk about how..." She pauses and everyone laughs, I give her a look that says if you do this just know I won't be held responsible for my reaction to it. "Calm down Mani I'm not going to do it obviously I just wanted to introduce Lauren to the look, you see that Lauren if you ever get that look run." Everyone laughs and even folks from my family nod in agreement. "But honestly, I couldn't be more happy to be giving a toast to my best friend at her wedding. The day we both dreamed of since we were six. We've been through a lot you and me and I'm just happy to be in your life. You're like a sister to me and we all know I have a ton of those." People laugh, even I laugh. "But honestly Mani you're pretty cool and I wish you and your bride many happy years of bliss and love. You deserve it. Congratulations." I smile fondly at Dinah and mouth a quick thank you. She smiles and nods.

Dinah sits and everyone waits for Lauren's maid of honor to speak. The woman stands and almost falls down again. The guests giggle and Lauren seems unfazed by the actions of her friend as if it's a regular occurrence.

She collects herself. "Hi everyone, I'm Camila, Lauren's best friend since like birth. Well I wanted to get up and make an awesome joke but apparently Lauren is the only one who finds me funny so I'll skip it." Lauren just nods and everyone laughs. "Whoa there's a first, I'm funny and I wasn't even trying. I just wanted to say that Lauren we've been best friends for so long. We've had our ups and downs and our fights but at the end of the day we came back around. We're family and I'll always be here for you no matter what. So you're stuck with me. And Normani I'm so glad that you are joining the family. We can't wait to get to know you more. We are all rooting for you both to make it and be happy for years and years to come. Congratulations." Lauren beams over at her best friend giving her a quick side hug.

An announcement is made that it's time to eat. The plates come out and there's tons of talking and background music thanks to the DJ. The rest of the reception goes off without a hitch. This day couldn't have been better. 

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