Working Together

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Authors note**** hiiii, *monkey with eyes covered* (emoji) hopefully this update will have been worth the wait. Y'all are amazing so please keep commenting and voting if you like it.

The reception has come to an end. We head to her apartment; well I guess technically our home now. She unlocks the door hesitantly. "Is everything okay?"

Lauren turns quickly towards me with a look of confusion. "Why wouldn't it be?" "Oh no reason you just seemed a bit nervous to let us inside." She chuckles, "I must say you are very observant. I was just thinking about if I cleaned. But I don't think I did."

"Ohh... well that's fine. I mean we can clean up together I don't mind." I say slowly as she finally unlocks the door. "I just want to get inside and take off this dress." My wife lets me in the door pass her while turning on the lights. I start to pull at the material. Don't get me wrong the dress is amazing and makes me look great but a girl can only spend so long in a very tight dress. "Can you help me out of this dress?" I say in a tone that's bordering on flirtatious. I see a lift of an eyebrow and she just smirks at me. "Of course but only if you help me out of mine." My face begins to break out in a smile. "Of course."

"Crap I knew I was forgetting something." "What?" "I forgot my bag with clothes in it at my apartment. So I have nothing to wear. What am I gonna do?" "Well first you can calm down because you can obviously borrow my clothes and we can stop by yours tomorrow and get you bag before we head to the airport." "You're right, you're right. Thanks." My wife leads me into the living room and it's clean so I'm confused as to what she meant when she said it wasn't. "I would give you a quick tour but it seems you are ready to get out of your dress." "You know me so well." I joke. Then Lauren leads me upstairs to her room. I'm nervous because if I'm being honest, Lauren's like super hot but I don't think I'm ready to do stuff yet. I hope she's not either. Even though I did kind of flirt I didn't mean it as in I was ready for all that tonight. Hopefully we can take this slow.

When we enter her room I finally understand what she didn't clean up. I mean the bed is an absolutely mess from probably getting ready this morning. "Sorry it's such a mess but I did warn you. Do you want to get changed first?"

"God yeah." Lauren walks over to her closet and begins to search for me something. She pulls out a slightly oversized shirt and shorts for her and handing a set to me. "Turn around so I can unzip you." "Umm, okay." She unzips me and then I turn towards her holding my dress up signaling that it's her turn. I unzip Lauren and she begins to take off her dress. Ummm okay that's my signal to head to the bathroom. I don't even ask where it is but I eventually come to find it. I take off my dress and bra slipping into the clothing she gave me. I give myself a quick once over in the mirror. This is going to be a long night.

I enter the bedroom again finding her dressed in similar attire cleaning off the bed. She is putting things away and most of the clutter that was there before had been moved so it's not as much left to do. I head over picking up some folded clothes. "Just in the third drawer there." She points. I then grab some papers and try to neatly stack them, "What about these, Lauren?" "Those can go on the dresser for now I need to organize them and put then in the cabinet later." I do that as she starts to take the sheets off the bed. "Can you go look in the closet in the hallway there should be some sheets on the second to the top shelf?" "Yeah sure."

I look in the closet and I don't see any sheets. I check again. "Lauren I don't see any sheets in the closet." "Really," There's a pause. "Lauren." "Yeah crap I'm sorry Normani I think they're in the laundry." "I guess laundry time it is." "Yeah I guess so."

Lauren meets me in the hallway with the sheets. "But you're not going to like it because I don't have a washer and dryer in the apartment. I kind of had to make room for the studio." My mouth fell open at that statement. Is she joking? How could she not have a laundry room in this place? I knew I would regret the decision to stay at hers rather than mine. "So what are we going to do? I am not going to a Laundromat." "Oh no we just have to go to the second floor to do it, there's a laundry room there." I take a sigh of relief. "Thank God, I really was not up for a drive."

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