Chapter 6

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-Pete's POV-

A click sounded and light by light, the hundredth floor of the Sears Tower was lit up to reveal that the entire floor had been cleared out. In the center of the room, a small stage had been set up. Amps were stacked on top of one another, Andy's drums were showcased under a directed spotlight. Joe's and Patrick's guitars were sitting on stands, as well as my bass, placed behind our designated microphones.

"Oh my god," Patrick mumbled under his breath in disbelief.

"This is where you'll practice, you know, because you probably haven't played music in months and you might be a little rusty," Gabe told us, he and Alex turning around to face us. "And to answer your question, Pete, you'll be practicing here because, in regards to how high above the ground we are, people down below won't hear you."

"And for extra measures, we've soundproofed the walls," Alex interjected.

"Also, the windows have been tinted so that you're not visible to anyone, on ground or in the sky. Not that they'd be able to see you anyway, but we didn't want to risk it," Gabe continued, "You'll be staying here until the ban is lifted, so we tried to make it as comfortable for you as possible. We've accommodated you with your own rooms."

Alex walked over to a wall with four doors and showed them off like Vanna White.

"Each room is equipped with a stereo and a collection of your favorite artists and bands, just in case you want to give them a listen, remind yourself of the power of music. In addition, each room is accessible from the room next to it and there is a bathroom in the center of the four. Any questions so far?"

"What about food?" Joe questioned, crossing his arms.

"Food will be delivered to your rooms every day. One meal for breakfast, one for lunch, and one for dinner."

"And on Fridays, you'll get dessert!" Alex exclaimed excitedly.

"What if I don't want to do this?" I asked. Alex and Gabe looked over at me, confused expressions on both their faces. "Look, I mean, as much as I want to lift this ban and all...I-I have a family to take care of. I can't just abandon Bronx like this."

"Pete, by you coming here, you already agreed to do this, there's no turning back," Gabe told me with utmost sincerity. However, he had this wild, almost deranged, look in his eyes...but then again, he'd always had a sort of wild look in his eyes. "If you didn't want to commit yourself to this, you shouldn't have come."

I scoffed, "Well if I knew what this was for, I wouldn't have! But all the goddamn note said was to come here and-" I was about to attack Gabe with how angry I was, but Patrick, Joe, and Andy held me back. "LET ME GO!" I screamed, "LET ME LEAVE!"

"Please get yourselves settled in," Gabe remarked calmly, ignoring my screaming and grunting and efforts to break free from my friends' hold. "Alex and I will be back tomorrow to give you further instruction. Goodnight, defenders of the faith." Gabe and Alex walked past us and escaped into the elevator.

I ripped myself out of my friends' hold and glared at the elevator.


I was sitting in the bedroom I had picked out for myself sitting on my bed, staring at a picture of Ashlee and Bronx that I carried in my wallet. Just then, there was a knock on my door. I looked up and saw Patrick peek his head in. He chose the bedroom next to me.

"Hey," He greeted shyly.

I closed my wallet and threw it aside, "Hey."

He entered my room and closed the door connecting his room and mine. "I'm sorry you didn't know what you were getting yourself into. I mean, none of us really did, but you have the most to lose."

I shook my head, "I just don't get it. Like...why us? Whoever this 'Boss' person is could've chosen any great band. But they chose us."

Patrick sat down on the end of my bed and heaved a sigh, shrugging his shoulders, "Maybe because they know that we can do this."

"Well, that's great for them, but I don't think we can."

He frowned.

"You know, I haven't heard from you in a while," I changed subjects, "How have you been? How's Mara?"

"She left me," He answered sadly, hanging his head. I gave him a sorry look. He chuckled sadly, "Yeah, she and I...we just weren't working anymore. I was getting too much for her to handle, I guess. The ban changed us."

I sighed, "It changed all of us."

"Hey, who forgot to invite us to the party?" Joe's voice sounded. I looked over Patrick and saw Joe and Andy standing in the doorway of my bedroom. A sly smirk was stretched across Joe's face.

"How do you guys feel about all this?" Patrick asked them.

Joe shrugged his shoulders, "I'm cool with it. I mean, I've been playing music underground for months now. It'll be cool to play above ground, you know?" He plopped down on the bed next to Patrick. "And I like that I'll be playing with you guys again too." He wrapped his arm around Patrick's back and patted him on the shoulder. Patrick smiled at him wearily.

"Yeah, I miss playing with you guys," Andy remarked, "I literally have been spending all my time in the gym. And the people there are getting worried about me." The four of us shared a laugh, something we hadn't done in what seemed like ages.

"I still don't know if I want to do this, guys," I admitted, hanging my head, "I really don't like just leaving Bronx like this."

"You'll see him once the ban is lifted," Patrick reassured me, "And look at it this way, Bronx is kind of like your motivation to help end this ban."

I smirked, "Yeah...motivation to end the ban...I'll see him once the ban is lifted...right..."

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