Guys...I Need Your Help...

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Hi guys! So...if you didn't read the title, I need your help. I know I'm the writer and you're the reader and that I'm supposed to be the one to come up with the ideas, but I'm stuck on what to do.

This book has been always been iffy for me in a sense that it's never really had any direction - that's why it's been updated a day late for the past few weeks. Most of my books are just mere ideas that I have that I try to stretch out and make into something for you guys to read when you're bored in class or you can't fall asleep. Usually I come about an ending with my books, but this one, I honestly have no idea how to end it.

So, I know I'm going out on a limb here, but I was wondering if maybe you guys could give me suggestions or tell me what you think should happen...? I'll be sure to give you credit, I'll probably excessively thank you too, and if I don't already, I'll even follow you. I'll do [almost] anything. I just really need some help.

Please and thank you!


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