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Hey guys! I just want to give a huge thanks to everyone who congratulated me and voted for the "WHOA...HOLD UP" updates =D I know my little thank yous are probably getting annoying beyond belief, but I can't thank you enough and words really can't describe how much this all means to me. Seriously.

Anyways, as I said in the last update, I wanted to do something to show you guys my appreciation. Some of you had really great suggestions, but the ones I decided on doing (right now, at least) are:

1) The Q&A - A couple people suggested this and if I'm being honest, I think they're really fun to do and I really like them. So, I'm doing that and I'M LEAVING THE QUESTIONS OPEN UNTIL NEXT SATURDAY, AUGUST 22ND. You know what to do, any question(s) you have for me about anything, comment below or private message it/them to me, whatever floats your boat =)

2) Update "Just One Mistake" (suggested by ) - I'm working on it right now, and it should be up soon. So for those of you who read that book - look out for an update in the near future.

3) Update "What A Catch, Patrick" (suggested by ) - Same thing as "Just One Mistake"

So yeah, that's what I've decided to do for now to give back to all of you for being so awesome. You guys are literally the best, and if anyone tells you different, flip them off for me, would you?

I know I already said this, but thank you guys so much! You're the reason why I keep writing and I couldn't ask for any better readers and/or followers. I love you all so much and I can't wait to see what questions you have for me! =D


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