Chapter 7

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-Patrick's POV-

Pete, Joe, Andy, and I were walking down a hallway, Gabe and Alex leading the way. I was excited, we'd "saved rock and roll" and we were finally getting to meet whoever this "Boss" person was.

Alex and Gabe stopped outside a set of double doors and whispered something to each other as we caught up with them. Alex nodded his head and disappeared into the room, leaving Gabe and us behind.

"What's wrong?" Andy asked Gabe.

"Nothing," He answered, "We're just making sure Boss is ready to see you."

"Who is this Boss person anyways?" Joe inquired, "Can I at least have their name?"

"Yeah! We've done everything that damn person told us to do and we don't even know their goddamn name," Pete tacked on.

"You guys just have to be patient," Gabe remarked, meeting my gaze and staring at me. "You'll know soon enough." I tugged at my collar nervously.

The door to the room opened and Alex nodded his head. Gabe nodded his head his back and stepped back, ushering the four of us into the room. I was the last one to walk in. The person was across the room, facing away from us, looking out the window that the sun was shining through. When I entered the room, the person began to look back at us and-

I sat upright in my bed, drenched in sweat and my heart pounding against my chest. I glanced over at the clock on the nightstand beside my bed and saw that it was 5:59 in the morning. I clutched my chest as it rose up and down rapidly as I tried to calm my breathing.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up, trudging over to the stereo Gabe had promised us. I picked up the headphones and put them over my ears, thinking music would help calm me down. I picked up the few CDs they had for me and began looking through them, deciding which one I wanted to listen to. There was Michael Jackson, Prince, David Bowie, Elvis Costello, and a few others.

But before I could listen to them, an alarm started blaring and red lights started flashing. I panicked and dropped the CDs, ripping the headphones off of my ears as my bedroom door swung open automatically. I ran out and met up with Pete, Joe, and Andy who were equally as frightened as I was.

"What the hell's going on?" Pete yelled, covering his ears in an attempt to drown out the ear-piercing beeping. The three of us mirrored him.

"I don't know!" I shouted back.

"Is there a fire or something?" Andy questioned loudly.

"I don't know, but someone better turn it off before I lose my hearing!" Joe screamed.

As if someone actually heard Joe's wish, the lights stopped flashing and the alarms turned off. I lowered my hands from ears and started looking around the room. We all did.

The elevator doors slid to the side and Gabe and Alex stepped out one after the other. 

"'Morning, guys," Gabe greeted, the corner of his lip curled up, "Are you feeling awake? Alert?""I feel like I want to kill whosever idea it was to wake us up like that," Pete snarled grumpily, crossing his arms.

Gabe just smiled at him before going on to say, "Well, breakfast is ready for you." He motioned over to a table that was set up in the corner of the room next to the tinted windows looking out at the city below us, "So eat up. You're going to be practicing today and we wouldn't want you practicing on an empty stomach."

"Plus it's chocolate chip pancakes, and who doesn't like chocolate chip pancakes?" Alex added happily. Gabe glared over at him. It was easy to tell that the Cobra Starship singer was taking this mission more serious than All Time Low's. Or maybe Alex was just a happier person. Either one.

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