dinner date and a full plate

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it was 7:30 in the evening, and I was dumped on my bed, patiently waiting for my mother to head downstairs to the living room and watch television. I had to be patient, because I knew the only way I could successfully sneak out of the house was for no one to be around when I do.

By 7:45, my mother was downstairs peacefully minding her own business. I had only 5 minutes to get ready, because William would be meeting me outside the house. I chucked on my clothes, tied my hair up in a ponytail and walked over to my window. As I steadied myself onto the windowsill, I stood onto the gutter while holding tightly to the wall. I slowly made my way across until Williams car was visible in the driveway. I started sucking-ducking down, so I was hanging off the gutter. By then I was only a few centimetres far from the ground? so I just let go, allowing my feet to catch me. Thank god I was in sneakers.

As i walked over to the car, I could make out William sitting in the front seat, but he wasn't alone. In the backseat, I could see the silhouette of two people, looking to me like Lulu and Louis. Seriously?

I approached the car, and saw William waving happily. I took a seat in the front, and was welcomed with a kiss on the cheek by William, and an awkward smile from Louis. "Hey Y/N!" William exclaimed. "Hi Will," I replied. "Hi y/!n!" Louis remarked. "Hey Lou- you must be Lulu? I ask. "Hey- and yes, I am Lulu." The girl responded. She looked absolutely beautiful- wearing a floral midi dress, her hair and makeup done perfectly as if by a professional,

sandals and flashy accessories. "Nice to meet you, i'm Y/N" I introduced myself. "Louis has told me lots about you!" Lulu spoke up. "As he should have." We both started laughing, as William left my driveway and was driving towards the restaurant. "Y/N, weren't you grounded?" Louis asked curiously. "Well yes," I replied. "I managed to sneak out successfully, although it was difficult making my way to the car," I wasn't lying, it was true.


It wasn't a long ride, in fact only about 5 minutes. The place looked nice, like a diner. Quite homy if I do say so myself. We parked near a gas station, and walked over to the restaurant. I wasn't really hungry, but still wanted to order something and eat. The only available table was the booth, so we took that. I has made sure to turn off my life 360 location just in case my mum was to check.

William ordered fish and chips, Louis ordered a hamburger and fries, of course, Lulu ordered a garden salad and I, as well as Louis, ordered a burger and fries although I wasn't hungry. As Lulu and Louis giggled and conversed with eachother, William frantically tried to make a move. I wasn't really feeling it though, and as I did with Louis, I leaned away. I guess it made dinner slightly more awkward, but I really wasn't in the mood. I'm not even allowed to be there anyway.

After about twenty minutes of awkwardly conversing with one another, our food arrived one by one. First Lulu, then William, then me, then Louis. Ugh, I wasn't even hungry. While everyone else was eating, I just sat staring at the ceiling. "Y/N, why aren't you eating?" Louis asked thoughtfully. "Um, i'm just not hungry." I stated. "Then why did you order?" William asked, very straight forwardly. "You know I'm paying, right? Im not paying for a full meal, so eat." I hunched back in my seat. That was kind of rude. "Mate, leave her, OK?" Louis stepped in. Lulu looked at me sincerely, before saying, "Its fine, you don't have to eat." I smiled. "Thank you," I responded. Although she was Louis' girlfriend, she was very sweet to me. "Listen, I'm leaving, someone else can pay and hire a taxi." And with that, William got up with his stuff and walked straight out of the restaurant. I was in complete awe. "Don't worry," Louis stated. "I'll pay." I smirked, thoughtfully. "Thank you, Lou. I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be back."


I was in the bathroom, minding my own business, but as I was washing my hands, I couldn't help but overhear two loud, angry voices from inside the diner. "Its not your job to protect her- its your job to protect me!" The female voice yelled. It sounded a lot like Lulu. "What do you mean?" The male voice yelled. By now, I could tell it was Louis and Lulu. "I saw the way you looked at her!" She remarked. "Looked at her? She's nothing to me!" Louis yelled. Hearing that, I felt like nothing. Is that really all he thought of me? I know we were just friends, but part of me has always loved him. "I love YOU Lulu, not her! Never her!" Louis sounded angry, but also upset. "YOUR A FILTHY LIAR, LOUIS!" And with that, a loud, aggravating sound came from Lulu. "OW! DID YOU JUST SLAP ME!" Lulu screamed. I stood with my mouth open. "YES, I DID!" Louis ranted, loudly. 'How could he...?' I thought to myself. And before I know it, the bathroom door opened to reveal Lulu, with a huge red mark on her face. "Y/N," She cried, running to a bathroom stall and slamming it shut.

"Are you OKAY, Lulu?" I asked curiously. "AM I OKAY?" She screamed. "NO, I AM NOT! LOUIS SLAPPED ME!" She sounded like she was in pain. "I'm sorry..." I replied. I didn't know what to say, as I had never been slapped by a significant other. I heard banging on the bathroom door. "Lulu, let me in!" Louis asked aggressively. "Louis, what have you done?" I asked, quietly. I was slightly scared. "Y/N, i'm sorry..." He stated, but I wasn't one to listen. "Lulu, come, lets go." I said. She left her stall, and we both climbed out the window and called a taxi. I had never been this scared of Louis, but what he did was so... bad.

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