a night to remember

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"You drew stars, around my scars, and now i'm bleeding"

It was the day of the formal, I had no intention of going. I didn't even want to go to school, but what choice did I have? I got myself out of bed, and rushed downstairs for breakfast. I was greeted with the smell of.... nothing. I walked over to the fridge to get myself breakfast. I had cereal, and marmalade on toast. I dug in while Ollie sat at my feet, begging for food. Once I had finished breakfast, I went upstairs to put my uniform on, and I was off to school.

As I arrived at school, I avoided both Louis and Eli, forcing myself to isolate. I was lonely, even I could admit it. I started scrolling through my phone whilst sitting on a bench, where I ended up on messages, and I saw her. Her contact..... Millie.

Every now and then, I reminisce over the time we spent together, how normal it was back then. Just me, her, Louis. No complications, no drama, just us. I miss that. I regret the moments I wasted, worrying too much about Louis to focus on Millie. I wish that I could've had more time with her, I wish she could be here with me now. The days when Louis and I were nothing more than friends, and I could talk to him without managing to make things awkward. I miss what I used to have. I hate my life. I hate school, I hate my parents, but most of all, I hate Louis. I hate his hair, his glimmery brown eyes, his big smile, I hate his laugh- I hate him.

The school day went by quite slowly, all everyone was talking about was formal- what they were wearing, their dates, neither of which i have figured out yet. I was going to go with Eli but by the way things turned out yesterday, it doesn't seem like he wants to go with me. I wish he would've let me talk to him though, before he made a scene with Louis. It wasn't my fault Louis kissed me. None of this was my fault, it was Louis's. It was always Louis.

The one thing that was making my days slightly less miserable was now gone. It was wrecked. Not just talking about formal. Even my friendship with Eli. I was in history class when a girl came up to me, I'd seen her before, she's only in my history class though.

"Um hey Y/N, I'm not sure if you know me, I'm Ivy. I just wanted to say I am really sorry about Millie, I didn't know her very well but I know people really liked her and you two were close. If you ever need someone to talk to or hang out with, let me know,"

I began to talk to Ivy and I told her that I wasn't going to formal, I did not tell her about anything of what happened with Eli and Louis, simply because I just met her and didn't want to seem problematic. Unlike other girls, she did not have that shocked expression on her face as she heard I wasn't going to formal in fact, she just did a knowing sort of nod. She told me she wasn't too interested in formal either because her boyfriend was out of town. We exchanged numbers and said we'd text each other later.

The school day felt like forever. Finally after what felt like a lifetime, the final bell rang. Most girls started squealing, now they could all go hang out and get ready for what was meant to be the most exciting night of the year, formal. I however, was not squealing and did not have anyone to hang out with, gosh, I didn't even have a date. Eli only asked me two days ago to formal so it's not like I'd been planning for months like some of these other girls. I didn't even have a dress yet, I don't know, I guess I thought I'd just figure something out today like I do most other times.

A lot of time passed, it was now 6:45pm. Formal started 45 minutes ago. I guess I felt a bit sad. Everyone was probably there having a great time and what was I doing? Sitting on my bed, scrolling through my phone, feeling sorry for myself. I texted Ivy;





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