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CASSIE SMITH WAS STANDING ON the platform. Her only friend, Cedric, was talking to his father, so she had to wait to get onto the train as she refused to get on by herself. She could hear her heart pounding in her chest. It was loud. Too loud. Her eyes scanned the area, looking for anyone she was familiar with. No one. She only had Cedric. Everyone else just made fun of her for being a Hufflepuff. They all thought she was a crybaby, and no one wants to be friends with a crybaby.

Nervously, she twiddled her thumbs. Anxiously, she peeled the skin off her lips with her teeth. She took a deep breath; it was hard. Breathing was becoming more and more difficult. People stared. They laughed.

They always laugh.

Pushing his way past the crowd that was forming, Cedric gently grabbed her bag, and placed his hands on her shoulders. Cassie tensed. "Relax, it's just me," Cedric whispered, "I'm not gonna hurt you."

Relaxing at the sound of his voice and the scent of his cologne, Cassie let Cedric guide her through the train to find a compartment. Breathing became easier for Cassie. As soon as they got into an empty compartment, Cassie let out the longest sigh and calmly leaned her head against the train window.

"I'm sorry I took so long talking to my dad," Cedric apologised after a couple minutes of peaceful silence. Cassie opened her eyes and glanced over at him. "As soon as I saw everything, I came right over."

Cassie smiled softly. "It's okay," she said sweetly, her mind wandering. She couldn't wait for the food that the house elves at Hogwarts make. They're cooking was delicious, nothing compared to it.

Noticing the tired look Cassie was giving him, Cedric smile. "Try and get some rest while I go and to my prefect meeting," he said, giving Cassie a small kiss on the forehead and watching her eyes flutter closed.

Cassie grinned at the drawing she made in Defense Against the Dark Arts. Professor Lockhart was nothing but vein, and obsessed with himself, so Cassie had nothing better to do than draw whatever came to mind. She was very skilled, and very artistic. The one thing people did like about her was how realistic her drawings turned out to be. People had even come up to her and asked her to draw them.

Thinking about how much Cedric was gonna like it, she tucked it neatly in her bag, and waited until the end of the lesson. Once the end of the lesson came, Cassie rushed to the Hufflepuff common room.

Pulling out her drawing, she screamed happily, "Cedric, come look at thi—!" She froze, looking at the scene in front of her. There Cedric was, dead. His face was pale, he was covered in scars, and standing over his body was a tall, thin, pale man. She fell to the floor, sobbing, calling out his name.

"Woah, Cassie!" She heard a familiar voice. Hands gripped her shoulders, giving her a quick shake to knock her out of that recurring nightmare. "You're okay, you're safe."

Crawling up into Aurora's arms, Cassie ignored the stares from the two ginger twins. "B—But Ced—!"

"Cedric's okay," Aurora said, tightening her arms around Cassie. "He's safe, he's patrolling the other side of the train."

Cassie couldn't breathe. She felt like she was being suffocated. Her hands and legs were shaking, her lips were being clawed at by her teeth, and her palms already had crescent shaped marks from her nails.

Aurora gave George a look, and he immediately ran out of the compartment. Fred sat himself on the floor in front of Aurora. Fred and Cassie weren't friends, but he had always been there for her when Cedric, Aurora or Calliope wasn't around.

He took her hand in his own and rubbed small circles around the back of her hand. Cassie couldn't stop her hair from turning a light shade of pink.

"Cassie!" Cedric exclaimed, rushing into the compartment. Immediately, Fred moved. George was glaring holes into the back of Cedric's head, and Fred wanted nothing more than to pummel him to the ground.

Cassie melted into Cedric's embrace, her hair going an even lighter pink. She was embarrassed. It was the first time in weeks she's had that nightmare.

After what felt like an hour, (it was only ten minutes), Cassie's breathing finally calmed down and she was able to talk. But she didn't want to talk, she wanted to stay silent forever.

She wanted the ground to swallow her up whole.

She wanted to fade away into the darkness.

She wanted nothing more than to be gone from the embarrassment she currently felt.

Fred and George couldn't be around Cedric any longer, they both felt like they were going to hit him over the head with one of their pranks they had stuffed into their trousers. The only thing that stopped them from doing everything they wanted to, to the Diggory boy was Cassie.

Cassie was sweet, and innocent. And, she was Aurora's baby sister, so Aurora would kill them with her bare hands if they were to beat up Cassie's only friend.

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward as Cedric looked between the two Weasley's.

"Right, we're off," George says, standing up and pointing between him and Fred.

Fred nodded, "Yeah, got more first tears to throw our toilet seats at." He pulled out the miniature toilet seat from his pocket, and it grew in size. He passed it to Cassie, "Keep that to—!"

"No thanks," Cassie muttered.

The train came to an abrupt stop, the lights flickering, and then dimming to complete darkness. The windows iced up, and George fell backwards into Fred, knocking them both to the floor.

"What the fuck?" Aurora whispered.

Cassie felt cold and numb. All the happiness that was in the compartment ( not that there was much there to start with ) had disappeared. There was a ringing in her ears, and Cassie knew the train was now unsafe.

"On second thought," Cassie reached for the toilet seat, and held it up as a shield. Fred and George pulled themselves onto the seat, now deciding against leaving the compartment.

The compartment door opened, a cloaked figure with bony hands appeared. It didn't have a face, but it definitely looked around. When Cassie blinked it was gone.

The door opened again. This time, Cassie threw the toilet seat with full force, thinking it was the same cloaked figure. Instead, she heard a whiny, familiar voice cry out in pain. Draco Malfoy.

Draco scampered out of the compartment, leaving a wet trail behind him. The lights reappeared, and seeing the wet patch on the floor, the whole compartment howled with laughter.

A/N: I hope you guys liked the first chapter. I don't like it that much, but I love the scene with Draco, I honestly laughed so much when I wrote it that I nearly pissed myself. At the end of every chapter, I will be putting questions so I can get to know my readers.
QOTC ( question of the chapter ): what is your hogwarts house?
AOTC ( answer of the chapter ): i'm a very proud hufflepuff!

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