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AS OCTOBER ROLLED AROUND, Cassie was starting to become tired of trying to avoid her father

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AS OCTOBER ROLLED AROUND, Cassie was starting to become tired of trying to avoid her father. She had done it successfully so many times, like when he asked her and Callie to stay behind, Cassie said ( with so much attitude ) that they had 'homework'. Cassie never done her homework, she left it all to Cedric, who happily helped the girl when she was stuck.

She was running out of excuses to get away from her father. She could tell it was hurting him, but she didn't care, he deserved it. Well, maybe she did care, but she knew he deserved it after what his children went through.

Cassie sighed, looking around for her twin sister, who was nowhere to be seen. It was their first Hogsmeade trip, and Callie promised she'd stick with her. Frowning, she sat herself in one of the carriages, and ignored the tears in her eyes.

"Uh -- Cassie?" said a familiar voice, Hermione Granger. "Is it alright if me and Ron join you for the ride there? Callie decided to stay at Hogwarts with Harry, he haven't got a permission slip signed and Professor McGonagall wouldn't sign it herself."

Cassie shifted in her seat. Her twin sister ditched her for her best friend? Harry had friends in the year below, Cassie had none -- apart from her sisters, brother, and Cedric. Cedric had already made plans and was going on a date with a Ravenclaw, so now she definitely had no one to hang out with.

"Okay," she said, her voice wavering.

Ron and Hermione climbed in, and sat opposite Cassie. Ron looked awkward, Hermione look as if she wanted to say something, and Cassie just wanted to curl into a ball. Ron and Hermione kept exchanging looks, as if they were talking with their facial expressions. Cassie avoided looking at them. She was sure they didn't want to be with her, and were only talking to her because of Callie.

"So," Hermione broke the awkward silence, "How's your day been?"

"Hermione," said Ron, "It's just been breakfast, the day haven't started yet."

"I'm trying to make conversation," whispered Hermione, narrowing her eyes at Ron, "I don't see you putting in much effort to talk to her yourself."

Ron cleared his throat, "What's your favourite subject so far?" He asked, shooting Hermione a look.

Cassie looked between them both, feeling awkward. Her hair was a slight pink colour, and her cheeks were rosy. "Uh, well, I like DADA, but I'm not the biggest fan of Professor Lupin." She answered, placing her hands together and putting them on her lap. "And my day has been alright so far, I suppose."

The two opposite her sent her sympathetic smiles. "What's been your favourite DADA lesson so far?" Hermione wondered, her eyes lighting up with curiosity. Cassie was the sweetest person they had met, and they didn't think she could ever do anything bad to anyone.

"Uh, well, I really liked the boggart lesson," she said, a smile forming on her face. Cassie watched as Hermione and Ron exchanged curious glances. What were they going to ask? She had a feeling it was about Remus' boggart.

"Do you have any idea why Lupin's boggart was a crystal ball?" Hermione blurted, although she had suspicions it wasn't a crystal ball, she just wanted to find out why his boggart was what it was. Ron seemed to perk up, also wanting to know why.

When it came to protecting secrets, Cassie was an amazing liar.

"It's quite a funny story, actually," she let out a small laugh, "When I was younger, I threw a crystal ball at his head, and he ended up in St. Mungos for a week." Hermione and Ron gave a small smile. "He's been scared of them ever since."

The carriage came to a stop, they were finally at Hogsmeade. Hermione and Ron got out and approached the Weasley twins. Cassie got out of the carriage and looked around, trying to find Aurora. However, her eyes landed on Azalea, who was approaching her with a smirk on her face. Cassie tried to turn and walk away, but Azalea grabbed her arm.

"So, you still have no friends, huh?" Azalea smirked, "That's a shame."

"I do have friends," Cassie muttered quietly. She had one friend, and that was Cedric.

"I don't see them," Azalea said harshly.

"Well, if you looked behind you, maybe you'd see them,"

Surprising Cassie, Ron had been the one to come back and save her from her dreadful sister. Hermione was at his side, and the Weasley twins were approaching Cassie and Azalea, too. Cassie's hair turned bright pink, her eyes widened and her whole face flushed.

Azalea glanced back, and then looked back at Cassie, "Your friends are pitiful -- the three Weasel's, and the mudblood." Azalea said those words with a lot of venom lacing her words, "Even being friends with Potter would be better than this lot."

Azalea harshly let go of her arm, making Cassie stumble backwards, and nearly trip over her own feet. As Azalea turned her back, Fred pulled out his wand and mumbled, "Petrificus totalus," and Azalea fell face first into the floor.

"Hey, little C," Lee Jordan said, placing his arm around Cassie's shoulder, "I have a list of words I'd like to see you use against the Slytherins," he steered her body around with his arm, and dragged her into the three broomsticks.

Lee went up to the counter as Cassie found a small quiet table for them to sit at. It was by the window, and the two seats were very comfortable to sit on. The table in between the two chairs was quite small, but big enough for two drinks and some work to be done.

Lee joined her, placing two butterbeers on the table. "So," Lee said, pushing a piece of parchment towards the girl, "There's words we like to include -- fuck, shit, cunt, bastard, bitch, dick, any swear words, you say. Don't hold whatever you want to say in, let it out -- who cares if it's mean? It's better to say what you want than to say nothing at all, alright?"

Cassie eyed Lee weirdly, but she listened to every word he said, "Okay," she said quietly, "But wouldn't I get in trouble?"

"No," Lee shook his head, "McGonnie would tell us off during the match, but there is never a punishment, so you don't need to worry about that. On the back of the parchment, I wrote some examples of what you could say, but there is one rule when it comes to commentating."

Cassie eyed him weirdly, "Rule?" she said, and by the twinkle in Lee's eye, she knew it was something stupid, "What's the rule?"

Lee smirked, "We always boo when the Slytherin's enter the field."

A/N: honestly, lee is so iconic.
QOTD: what are your pronouns?
AOTD: she/her!

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