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CASSIE SIGHED AS SHE ATE A SAUSAGE, her mind wandering back to her Divination class

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CASSIE SIGHED AS SHE ATE A SAUSAGE, her mind wandering back to her Divination class. Surely, McGonagall was right. Why worry about Harry's death when she's predicted the death of every student since she joined the school? Nobody's died yet, so why worry?

Still, Cassie couldn't stop her mind from wandering to hers and Callie's cups. Surely, everything in one of the cup's and Harry's grim matched up? The good change, well, that could be anything. However, Harry's death brings Callie, Ron, and Hermione closer together, and eventually Callie falls in love with Hermione. That made a lot of sense to Cassie, and she couldn't wait to share her thoughts with Callie.

The two spent their entire walk to the Great Hall trying to figure out whose cup was whose, and now Cassie had finally figured it out. Stuffing the rest of the sausage into her mouth, Cassie looked over at Cedric, who was laughing at something Susan Bones had said.

He caught her eye, and moved to sit next to her. He smiled, "How was Divination?" He wondered softly, stealing one of her sausages and shoving it in his mouth. "Who's dying this year?"

"Harry," Cassie said after swallowing the sausage. "No surprise there, who did she predict to die in your year?"

Cedric snorted, "Me," he replied, taking a sip of pumpkin juice, "But she's just lying, I don't think she's a good teacher, she makes some stuff up."

Cassie rolled her eyes, she believed Trelawney's words, but she couldn't get over the look she had when she noticed the twins. It was one of amazement and adoration. "She loves me and Callie for some reason," she told Cedric, "She had an amazed look on her face, mixed with adoration, when she saw us."

Cedric grinned, "There's probably a good prophecy about you two, that's why."

Cassie sighed, she didn't want there to be a prophecy about her. Whether it was good or bad, she just wanted to enjoy Hogwarts and become a healer who makes her own potions. She was really good at potions, that's probably why Professor Snape never said anything bad to her - because she always done everything correctly and quietly.

Cassie knew Callie wanted to be an auror. It had always been the job she wanted growing up, that's all she used to go on about. Professor McGonagall looked over at Cassie, sighing to herself. She turned to Remus, who watched her sadly. He wanted to talk to her, tell her the truth, but she couldn't even look at him.

"You need to talk to her," McGonagall whispered, "I know you want to, and I know what Cassie was like before you... left. She was confident, outgoing, she spoke to anyone. Now, no one can get her to speak up much in class. She used to talk to me all the time when I babysat, she needs her confidence and happiness back. She needs you back."

Remus frowned. He didn't know what Cassie was like in lessons, he hadn't taught her yet. He had no idea how much he hurt her by leaving. Cassie was his entire world, and he was hers. But he went and ruined their bond by leaving, but she should know why he left. He left a note explaining why.

"I can't talk to her," He said, "I would want her to be honest with me, and she won't have the confidence to be honest with me like she was all those years ago. She used to always tell me straight. But, from what I've seen and heard, her only friend is Mr. Diggory, and there's no way she'll get her confidence and be able to tell people, more specifically me, straight when she only speaks to him. She needs someone more outgoing, more gobby, someone who could easily influence her."

McGonagall thought to herself for a moment, before muttering a small "I'll be right back," and walking off to the Gryffindor table.

She found exactly who she needed, "Mr. Jordan," she said sharply, making the Weasley twins, Aurora and Lee freeze. "Come with me."

Instantly, he got up and followed. "Is it about that prank on Malfoy and Azalea?" He wondered, "If so, it was Rora's idea."

McGonagall sighed, "No, it's not." She turned to face him, making sure no ears were listening in. "It's about your commentating during Quidditch."

Lee frowned, "Oh," he said, "I can add more swearing if you like, more insults to Malfoy and Azalea?"

McGonagall rolled her eyes, glancing over at Cassie who was sat quietly, as she listened to Cedric talk to her about his class. "I want you to co-commentate with Miss Smith."

Lee blinked, "But she's on the Quidditch team," he replied, feeling really confused.

"Not Callie, Cassie." The professor told him, "She needs a confidence boost, she needs to start talking more, and I believe this will help her a lot. Especially with you influencing her."

To say Cassie was confused would be an understatement. Commentating for Quidditch? She could barely speak up in class, she couldn't even talk to her peers in lessons. If she got stuck on a question, she would sit there in silence. There's no way she'd be able to become a commentator.

Lee knew this, he wasn't stupid. Anyone could see she wasn't commentator material. So, he decided to make her commentator material. "I understand why you look confused," Lee started, sitting opposite Cassie and ignoring Cedric's narrowed eyes. "But I truly believe you would make an amazing commentator, just with a bit of practice."

McGonagall nodded at Cassie, "And maybe, could you keep him in line?" She said, "No more foul language."

Cassie blinked, unsure of what to say. There's no way she of all people would be able to keep Lee Jordan in line. Besides, she hadn't even said yes yet. Professor McGonagall gave Lee a pat on the shoulder, trusting him to persuade her to join him. She walked away, and when Lee was positive McGonagall was out of ear shot, he smirked.

"Okay," He said, clapping his hands together like a child, "I'm not taking no for an answer, it gets lonely being the only one, and besides, I've already made a mental list of things you need to learn to say. Like... fuck, for example, instead of fudge."

Cassie pursed her lips, her cheeks going red. She was sure no one had heard her say fudging hell this morning when she dropped her work on the way to the Great Hall, she must have been wrong.

"Absolutely not," Cedric spoke up, eyebrows furrowing. "Cassie's innocence is what makes her her."

Lee grinned, "I heard she never used to be innocent, until something happened," He replied, "Younger Cassie would've been able to get away with murder, and as much as everyone loves this Cassie, they all want the old Cassie back."

Cassie frowned, she missed her old self, and she always thought she'd never be her old self again. Still, she didn't understand how commentating Quidditch would help. Nevertheless, she ignored Cedric's gaze, "Okay," she agreed, "I'll do it."

A/N: You may all think this is out of character for cassie, but she has trouble saying no to things so obviously she would agree. But she is going to hate being a commentator at first.
QOTD: what harry potter quote do you say the most?
AOTD: tbh, i have a huge list of what i say a lot: not me not hermione you, eat you'll feel better, the whole scene w the twins & harry when they give him the map, but the one i say the most is defo NICE ONE JAMES!

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