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TO SAY CASSIE WAS OVERWHELMED WITH ALL THE information would be an understatement

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TO SAY CASSIE WAS OVERWHELMED WITH ALL THE information would be an understatement. She had no clue which of her nightmares were true and which weren't, and that worried her. She had nightmares of all of her loved ones dying; Cedric was the main nightmare. As she left his office, she saw Megan, Dahlia, Susan and Hannah walking through the halls, laughing and talking with one another.

Smiling to herself, she walked to join them, immediately being bombarded by hugs from them all. "Cassie!" Megan exclaimed, "Are you alright, now?"

Cassie nodded, "Yeah," she told her, "It was from stress and lack of sleep, so I just have use a potion every night."

Megan smiled sympathetically, "At least you'll be able to finally rest," she said, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah," Cassie said. "How are classes going?"

This made all four girls burst out in rambles as they spoke about their classes. "Professor Lupin just keeps getting more fit — Oh, sorry, Cassie, I keep forgetting he's your father," Dahlia said.

Cassie shook her head, a small smile on her lips. "You're not the only one that does," she told her, "Harry sometimes does."

"And Harry's your boyfriend," Hannah said, "It must be incredibly awkward when he forgets."

Cassie had forgotten they all thought she and Harry were together. She forced a smile and nodded her head, her cheeks tinted pink.

"Yeah," she said, "It gets really awkward."

"I bet," Susan muttered, shaking her head slightly. "Did you enjoy your christmas presents off us?"

Cassie grinned, nodding her head, as she began to tell the girls everything she had gotten for Christmas. Of course, she had seen them since school started again, but she hadn't have the time to talk about Christmas break and the gifts she had gotten.

"That is very... sweet of him," Dahlia said, talking about Cassie's gift off Lee, "It will probably give you loads of help though."

"Especially when the Slytherin's come on the field," Megan added, "I hate them and their team with a fucking passion."

Cassie sighed, before she made eye contact with Cedric. He smiled at her and Cassie turned to the girls, "I'll catch up with you girls later," and then she rushed over to Cedric.

She really didn't want the nightmare of him to be true. It was one that came up quite often, and the more she thought about it, the more scared she became.

Ditching his friends, Cedric walked up to her and threw an arm over her shoulder. "What's got you looking so upset, Cassie?" He asked, leading her towards the courtyard where not many students were. "I don't think I've ever seen you looking so down."

Cassie sighed, "I'm just stressed," She told him, sitting on a bench. "I didn't think this year would be so stressful, but it is."

Cedric turned his head to look at her, "Everybody gets stressed, Cass." He told her, "There's nothing wrong with it. What's stressing you out the most?"

How everybody is constantly worried about me, she thought to herself, how I think I might actually have feelings for Harry but he doesn't like me back, how nobody believes my thoughts about Sirius Black - apart from Dumbledore, but he isn't doing anything about it.

"Classes," Cassie lied, "Potions -- ever since I gave Snape a Christmas present, he's been non stop giving me the hardest potions to do, and the hardest essays to write."

Cedric furrowed his eyebrows, "You gave Snape a present?"

Cassie grinned, "Yeah, shampoo and conditioner -- his hair is a mess and incredibly greasy, he needs to wash it."

Cedric laughed, "Oh, wow," He said, "I was not expecting that, what was his reaction?"

Cassie opened Snape's office door, not bothering to knock. She just wanted to get this whole thing over with. He was sat at his desk, marking some papers. She saw Draco's, full marks, but he got half of it wrong. Favouritsm, Cassie rolled her eyes.

"Merry Christmas," She said, handing him shampoo and conditioner. "You need to wash your hair, sir. The grease is so shiny it makes me feel as blind as Harry. I hope you enjoy using it."

As she turned to leave, he called her, "Miss Smith?"

Cassie looked at him, "Yes, Professor?" She replied innocently, "Do you not know how to wash hair? I can do it for you? Though, I may need gloves because there's no way I'm letting my hands to--"

"Ten points from Hufflepuff."

As Cassie told Cedric what happened, Cedric was red in the face from laughing. "Did you earn them back?" He asked her, "We need to win this year."

Cassie grinned, "Of course I won them back." She said, rolling her eyes. Well, she didn't win them back, she nagged Remus to give Hufflepuff ten points, which he gave in and gave the points back.

It was nice talking to Cedric, she hadn't seen him in what felt like forever. Smiling, she lifted her wrist to show Cedric that she was wearing their newest matching bracelet -- along with the two he had previously made her. Cedric lifted his wrist, showing the girl he was wearing them, too. "You know, these bracelets mean we're going to be best friend's forever, I hope you know that."

His body lay there, skin pale, face bruised; He was incredibly still, he was motionless. Harry was clinging to his body, bawling his eyes out. Everyone around her were crying their eyes out. Cedric was dead.

"Yeah..." Cassie trailed off, "Best friends forever."

A/N: This chapter is just a filler, but it won't be long and I'll be back to updating a lot again. My mental health has been terrible lately, but I'm pushing through it. I hope you enjoyed the chapter - it is most definitely my shortest chap so far, but that's okay!!!
QOTD: have you guys seen wonka?
AOTD: yes i bloody love it!

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