In the dead of night (SAKI POV) |An actual long chapter!|

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Emu tugged out a sleeping bag from her actual bag and laid it on the floor

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Emu tugged out a sleeping bag from her actual bag and laid it on the floor.

"Hehe, Saki-Chan!~ This is gonna be sooooooooo fun!!" Emu squealed 

I nodded. We recently played Monopoly together, aaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnddddddddd with Mr. Sprinkles, one of Emu's teddy bears. We were going to play another round, I cannot let Mr. Sprinkles win again!! 😭

"Saki! Emu! Supper is ready!" Tsukasa yelled

I never asked him to make supper, I guess he did it by himself..?

"IT'S GONNA GET COLD!!!!!!!!" he screeched

I held onto Emu's hand and dragged her downstairs, the smell of rice soup overflowed the house. 


Rice... ...soup.!?


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We all sat at the dinner table. Emu dug into her food, Tsukasa ate it nIcElY, and I, um, just poked the rice around. 


Tsukasa walked over to the counter, picked something up, and placed stir-fried noodles onto the table.

"That my dearest sister, was just the starter!" Tsukasa yelled, pleased with himself

My eyes shined

He passed my bowl to Emu, who, gobbled it down in a instant. Tsukasa slid the bowl of noodles across the table to me, and I happily munched on it.

Author's Note

I just noticed that I made everyone brush their teeth in the last chapter... So umm... Just pretend they brush their teeth again..? I guess... 

Oh oh! 

Maybe their-brushing-teeth-process was interrupted because of Emu crashing into Tsukasa.!?

Yeah yeah!

So umm...

Back to the story🥲

After brushing our teeth (again), me and Emu ran back to my room. Emu dove under her "blankets", and I flew back down onto my bed. My clock read "21:34" ,and I yawned. Emu was hidden in the depths of her sleeping bag. I pulled my blankets on top of me and pulled down a sleeping mask onto my head.

2hrs later/at "23:34"

I woke up suddenly. I dreamed of... I forgot. I mean, we all eventually  forget dreams..? No wait... I dreamed of... a plan... to get... Tsukasa... and Emu... t-t-t-together!! I jumped out of bed and kneeled onto the floor. My plan... I pulled Emu out of the sleeping bag and threw her onto my shoulders. She was snoring gently and softly. I walked slowly down the corridor to Tsukasa's room. I moved at a very slow pace ,probably because of Emu on my back. A blue and yellow striped rug stretched across the floor and there was a bump in it.!?

I fell onto the floor, causing a potted-plant to fall from a table, luckily, I caught it with my empty hands

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I fell onto the floor, causing a potted-plant to fall from a table, luckily, I caught it with my empty hands.!? EMU!! W-where is she!? What if she woke up!? WHAT IF TSUKASA WOKE UP!? I quickly looked around. 

"Tsukasa-Kun... I-i-i wuv u"


"*softly snores*"

She-she's asleep... BUT WHERE THE HECK IS SHE!? I turned around and saw a pink-haired girl. Emu. I crawled towards her, and scooped her up.

 I crawled towards her, and scooped her up

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 I slowly ran into Tsukasa's room. Tsukasa was snoring loud-ish, I chuckled softly as I put Emu onto the bed, and tucked her in. I pushed her into Tsukasa's arms, a smile appeared on his face. 

Was he awake.!? 

But he would be screeching if he knew Emu was in his bed, in his arms...

I guess he's asleep..?

I quickly tip-toed back to my own room, a muffled giggle escaped from my mouth as I doved under my blankets.

What a night..!

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