6: Flirt

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A pretty waitress came by, smiling at all of you. Yet you noticed how her attention was mainly focused on Kuroo.

"What would you like to order?" She asked, putting on a cute smile.

Kuroo looked up and smiled slightly. "I'll have the f/f and f/d."

"Same here." You smiled, peering at the waitress from around Kuroo."

Kenma murmured in your ear while the others were ordering. "Could you order me a slice of apple pie and brown sugar bubble tea?"

"Sure." You turn back to the waitress. "Um, my friend would like-"

"So you like f/f and f/d?" She asked Kuroo.

He quickly glanced at you and Kenma. "Haven't had it before, just felt like trying something new. But uh, my friend with the two-tone hair would like a slice of apple pie and brown sugar bubble tea."

She nodded, quickly writing it down before focusing on Kuroo again. "Got it. I'll get that right out for you." She smiled sweetly before turning around and walking away.

Kuroo turned to face you. "She seemed a little rude, interrupting you like that while you were tryna order for Kenma."

You shrugged. "That's on her. I'd rather stay out of that situation."

Kenma pulled out his psp and began playing a game on it. "That waitress is flirting with you again, Kuro."

You look at the pudding head. "Again?"

He nods, eyes still glued on his game. "It happens every time Kuro comes here."

You hum, turning to Kuro. "Are you ok with her flirting with you?"

Kuroo shrugs. "Can't say I like it too much. She's not my type. I don't see myself ever going out with her."

"Then why don't you say something to her? If you don't like the flirting, you should stop it."

Yaku agreed. "Yeah, it's super annoying. Just reject her now so we don't have to deal with it anymore, Kuroo."

Yamamoto looked at you, Yaku, and Kenma in surprise. "Really? If I were Kuroo-san, I'd be thrilled to go on a date with that waitress."

Kuroo narrowed his eyes at the ace. "That's you, not me. I'm not interested in her."

"Is her hair too short for your liking?" Yaku snickered.

Kuroo rolled his eyes. "Yes, but that's not the reason I don't like her."

You cut back into the conversation. "Then what about her do you dislike?"

He looked back at you, a smile creeping back onto his face. "The fact that she openly flirts in her workplace with a customer, and she ignores everyone else once her eyes land on me. Too desperate for my liking."

You look around him, seeing the waitress making her way back to your table. "Hmm. I have an idea to deal with her."

She comes back, setting all the food and drinks on the table before turning to Kuroo once again. "Hey, is thee anything else I can do for you?" She winked at him.

You roll your eyes, turning to address her. "Actually, I have a request. Could you leave so we can go back to our conversation while enjoying what we ordered?"

She glared at you. "Don't tell me what to do. And don't try stealing him either, I know you just ordered the same thing as him cuz you like him. That's pathetic."

You smiled, a genuine smile. "False. I simply order my favorite sweet and drink, he simply wanted to try it so ordered the same thing I got. The order in which you took our orders don't show that though. And what's pathetic here is you desperately tryna talk to a guy that has no interest in you. Please go back to work or I'll need to have a talk with your manager."

She rolled her eyes. "So jealous."

"So stupid." You shot right back.

The guys stared at you in surprise. Though they didn't know you too well since they've only just met you, they didn't get the impression that you could be rude like that. However, you felt the need to act like this to match the waitress' attitude.

The waitress was fuming at that response. "What did you just say?"

Kuroo cut in, defending you. "What she meant is that it's not the best idea to flirt with someone else's boyfriend, especially in front of them."

Her eyes widened. "This is your girlfriend?"

He wrapped his arm around you, smiling as he pulled you closer. "She is, and I love her with all my heart. I'd appreciate it if you'd stop flirting with me."

Without another word, she turned away and stormed off.

You looked at Kuroo with surprise. "Why...?"

He shrugged, removing his arm from you. "Sorry. I didn't want things to get worse and that was the only thing I could think of."

You take a sip of your f/d, shrugging. "It's fine. Just unexpected."

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