21: Plan

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You smile as you look at the boy sitting beside you. "Do you have any plans after school?"

The boy shook his head. "Since practice got canceled, I have free time today. Why?"

You shrug. "We haven't hung out much, outside of club stuff. I kinda wanted to play video games with you today."

"Really?" His golden eyes widened, surprise filling the cat like orbs.

You nod, an excited smile on your face. "Of course! Can we play games together at my house after school today, Kenma?"

Kenma nodded, a small smile on his face. "I'd love to. Will it just be the two of us?"

"That's what I planned. Why?"

"The other guys on the team would only be loud and distracting. I'd get too annoyed and wouldn't be enjoying playing video games with you as much."

"That makes sense. Just the two of us, then. I already asked my parents if it was ok to bring a friend over, so we're good to go."

Kenma raised one of his eyebrows. "You knew I'd say yes?"

You looked away briefly, then met his questioning gaze. "No... but I knew one of you guys would say yes if I asked to hang out after school. You were the first person I thought of and wanted to ask."

"You were thinking of asking the entire team?"

"I was hopeful you'd say yes so I wouldn't have to worry about certain members of the club wanting to come and make it a group thing."

He chuckled lightly. "Smart move. It's not unlikely that if you said something to almost all of the others, they'd share it with the entire team, and everyone would want to go to your house after school."

"And that's why I was relying on you, Kenma."

He nodded. "Good choice."


"Ready to go?"

Kenma looked at you as he slung his back over his shoulder. "Yeah. Let's hurry before someone else tries to intervene."

The setter had been referring to Kuroo. However, you didn't know which club member he had in mind.

As you two walked to the entrance of the school, a very distinctive voice called out to you two. "Kenma! Y/n!"

Reflexively, you stopped and turned to the voice. You smiled as you met his hazel gaze. "Hey, Tetsu. What's up?"

Kuroo jogged over to you and Kenma, smiling while catching his breath and standing beside you. "Where are you two heading?"

Kenma was quick to respond, attempting to get away from the third year. "None of your business. Go away, Kuro."

The middle blocker frowned. "Why?"

"This doesn't concern you. Just go home by yourself."

"Does that mean you aren't going back to your house, Kenma?" Kuroo narrowed his eyes, suspicion contorting his expression.

"Why does that matter?"

"Just answer the question."

You stepped in before things could escalate any further. "Calm down, you two. What's the big deal with Kenma and I going to spend time together?"

Kuroo looked at you. "Are you two going to be alone in your house?"

"Don't know. My parents already know he's coming over and said it's fine. I'm not sure if they'll be home or at work."

"Then I'll be joining you two."

Kenma groaned, clearly irritated. "Kuro, no. This is exactly why I didn't want to say anything to you. Just let me and Y/n hang out and play video games."

"Not unsupervised."

You just looked between the two boys, confused. "What's... going on?"

"Nothing." Kuroo was quick with his response.

Kenma wasn't having it. "Kuro, just stay out of this. You're overreacting. This was exactly why I didn't want to introduce you to Y/n."

The taller boy glared at him. "In case you hadn't noticed, Y/n and I have grown close. And I'm the one that was there for her when her ex broke into her house."

Kenma's eyes widened, turning his attention to you. "Your ex broke into your house?"

You nod, looking at the ground. "It scared me. Oikawa was like a whole other person. Then Tetsu let me know Oikawa was cheating the entire time we dated."

Kuroo had cooled down by this point, regretting his words. "I'm so sorry for bringing it up, Y/n."

"It's fine."

Kenma sighed. "Y/n, how would you feel about Kuro joining us for games?"

You look up, a small smile returning to your face. "I think it'd be nice to have Tetsu join us."

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