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   The morning went by in a blur, Eliana had to shovel food into her mouth before Lewis rushed her to get her into her clothing for the Games.

   Eliana was just upset she didn't get to see Finnick yet, she would have to find him during the Games.

   The outfit Lewis put her in was made for water. No special stylist made the outfits this time. Everyone would wear the same thing. As the stylists stepped away from her and began to cry, there were a couple who said things that seemed genuine.

   "She's too beautiful to be back here." Said one of the stylists, Eliana thought she may have recognized her from her first Games.

   Once the stylists had calmed down, Haymitch walked in. He wasn't technically allowed to be in here, so he had to make it quick.

   "Eliana, may I speak to you in private?" Immediately, the stylists left the part of the room.

   "What's up?" She saw the serious look on his face and was attentive to it.

   "Katniss is going to go to the Cornucopia, you and Finnick need to get to it first and make sure she, or Peeta, do not get hurt over there. The Career's are most likely going to be close behind you, but consider the terrain while you have to wait, ok kid?" He put a hand on her shoulder.

   "Lewis got tipped off. It's water. Finnick and I can get there first. Don't worry Haymitch, we'll take care of her." She gave him a quick hug, then he was leaving. "Wait, Haymitch, if you're going to Finnick next, tell him that-." Haymitch didn't stop, most likely because the 2 minute timer started, that required tributes to be in their pod by the end of the timer.

   "Okay, dear, come get in your pod." A stylist pushed her along and got her into the pod, brushed off her outfit, and then there was 30 seconds to launch.

   "You got this, Eliana. You'll get out." Lewis blew her a kiss, and then the pod was rising.

Rising up into the light was blinding. Eliana took deep breaths as she looked around. Water, beach, jungle. Finnick? Where was Finnick? Her eyes scanned every podium and 12 tributes away from her, there he was. His eyes locked with hers and a sigh of relief exited Eliana's mouth. Next, she spotted Katniss and Peeta. Katniss looked like she had been crying. Johanna was next to her. There was no doubt that Johanna was in on the alliance, so Eliana gave her a nod, which Johanna returned.

"—and may the odds be ever in your favor." Here we go. Eliana thought. "Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one."

Eliana was in the water straight away, kicking quickly as she got to land. She started to run towards the Cornucopia and arrived shortly. Katniss wasn't far behind, and Finnick arrived just after Eliana. Eliana threw Finnick a trident, and he stabbed the male from District 5. BOOM. That was the third cannon already.

Eliana grabbed a spear, and both tributes from District 9 were dead shortly. Katniss arrived, grabbed a bow, and pointed it straight at Finnick.

"Good thing we're allies, right?" Finnick held up his wrist, which had a golden bangle on it.

"How did you-" Katniss started.

"Duck." Eliana's tone had changed, Katniss ducked, so a spear went flying over her head and into someone's chest.


"Eliana, stay here, I'm going to go find Peeta. Hold them off." Eliana nodded as Finnick went to do so.

Eliana ran after him as she saw Peeta being attacked in the water. "Stay here, Katniss!" But of course, she followed.

Eliana ran up behind Finnick, and immediately dove into the water. Her spear punctured a boy's head, and the cannon sounded, Peeta alive and well.

Finnick Odair~White SandWhere stories live. Discover now