Explaining the Sex War

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Did you ever think that the latest act of government fearmongering wasn't for your biggest interest? Have you ever thought there was no period in human history where the government worked for your interest? Do you read on so-called conspiracy theories on your free time? Do you believe the moon landing, or 9/11 were staged for propaganda purpose? If so, you're pretty vanilla. Everyone with 5 brain cells have once produced that thought. Do you believe the Holocaust was manufactured as part of the war our overlords have waged on artists? Good, you're slowly sinking to the level of people like me, those who are labaled "insane", although, truth of the matter, I just have a broader eye-sight than most.

If you want to stumble on actual insanity, read along as I introduce you to one of the greatest and longest lasting conflicts in our History. In fact, it is only recently our overlords have gained a winning position in this war. Well, recently is relative, it was before any of us here were born, and before some of your parents as well. Allow me to introduce you to the Sex War. I would have preferred to call it the War on Sex, but the truth is, sex is winning, and our overlords are on the side of sex. Well, really it depends on how you define sex, but that's another discussion.

What is the Sex War? Well, it's a war you've lost. Look around, on this rectangle that shows you the world, or when you walk into certain places, maybe it's everywhere, granted you live in hell on Earth. You will understand that the war has been lost.

You didn't? Well, I guess I have to push the thought a bit further. What is the meaning of sex? You can't look at this with pragmatic eyes, I'm not talking about the action itself, but the truth behind this action. Why do people have sex? In the overly marketed world every neolib has wet dreams about, the one we live in, sex has become one of many products made to be consumed.

You can find content made to arouse your sexual desire without leaving your couch, your bed, your toilet seat, without needing to move your body, the sexual experience can be changed to fit your desires. From simply staring at the action to taking part in it, in exchange of money, generally from desperate students or hedonistic clowns, destroying the best version of themselves for some pleasure, as their masters have taught them. But you can't judge them, you're on the other side of this transaction, you allow them to exist, and for what? For a quick dopamine rush, this is what sex has become. Some people will say sex is degeneration, but I say sex has degenerated.

Sex was something else. I won't say used to be, because the past is never simple enough to be generalized, but sex had noble letters, before your time. In fact, this war hasn't been lost all that long ago, your grandparents knew when sex was at its best, they saw it decay and die, and just like everything else, they didn't care about what it would mean for us.

But before talking about that prime, let's talk about the days before. Before sex was great, sex was bad. Some will argue not as bad as today, others will say much worse, but the truth is in the middle. I'm talking about Greco-Roman times. When sex was about showing your status, your dominance. Sex had no value, just like today. Sex wasn't associated with men and women, just like today. Sex was just a way like any other to spend time. Just. Like. Today. The only difference was that the ones who controlled the sex controlled the world. This is similar, but also very different from today.

The ones who had the most sex were the ones with the money and, most importantly, the prestige. It was an honor to have sex with a great warrior, a fine strategist or a well respected politician. And if you could use sex well enough, you had a stable position and the only thing that could get to you would be your lovers' demise. Just like today, except mainly women get to use this weapon.

But I've talked enough about sex in the Antiquity to make anyone here uncomfortable. Let's talk about what changed. Well this guy entered the fray.

 Well this guy entered the fray

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