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Regulus never expected to be alone. A part of him had always hoped that Sirius would stay. That he would be there to make life slightly better. At the same time he couldn't exactly hate him for leaving. There house wasn't exactly a home. He would've left too if he could. But the idea of showing up to a place he's never seen was frightening. Not to mention all the rumours that would go around. His parents' names would be ruined and it would be all his fault. So he stayed. He would become the heir of the Black family fortune. Marry whomever his parents desire and sire the next generation of the family. That's how it's meant to be. He had to step up. It didn't ki matter how or why.

He knew things would get worse for him after Sirius left though. With him out of the picture Regulus was left to fend for himself. Take all the curses thrown at him only for him to heal and have a repeat. He realised how lucky he was to have Sirius but would never admit it. He was too stubborn for that. No one knew the suffering the two brothers endured. Well atleast Regulus didn't think so. His friends never dared ask him the reason behind his bruises at the start of every year or end of holidays and he never bothered telling them either. There wasn't a need too, he was fine.

His first year back to school after Sirius left was definitely the strangest year. Arriving at the platform alone and seeing Sirius in a warm embrace with a woman who looked to be in her fourties while a boy with messy brown hair and circular glasses stood to the side smiling at the encounter. Regulus met the boy once in his first year. That was enough times to tell him that he didn't like him. James Potter was the epitome of a perfect son. You'd never see his parents so much as raise their voices at him. Not able to look at his brother any longer Regulus headed for the train. He spotted a familiar blonde girl sitting alone in a compartment and hurriedly pulled open the door slipping in to join her. As he sat infront of her she gave him a sweet smile.

"Morning Reg." Regulus smiled back at her, Pandora had the ability to make anyone's day better. He didn't know how to explain it but she had this energy around her that made it seem like everything would be okay. He swore that she was the only person capable of making him smile.

"What's that you're reading?" He asked her stretching out his legs to sit more comfortably. Pandora lifted up her book so he could see. He didn't recognise the title and assumed it was a muggle book. She had always been fascinated with muggle literature, and Regulus would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy it from time to time. There was just something about it that drew him in. It was as if he could be transported to a different world just by reading the words on the pages. "Can I borrow it once you're finished?

"Of course, I only have two chapters to go then it's all yours." The two soon fell into a comfortable silence. Pandora reading her book and Regulus flipping through the pages of the advanced potions book he had managed to steal from the restricted section during his fourth year.

An hour passed before their silence was interrupted. Three people dressed in emerald green robes entered their compartment in a heated argument over that summer's Quidditch championship. Regulus and Pandora looked at each other and rolled their eyes. They both knew that the argument would've never happened if they'd only communicated a little better. And from the sounds of it they were all on the same page. But each one of them wanted the last word so they continued. Dorcas was definitely the most stubborn out of the three, and she used the fact that she was a year older to her advantage, claiming she had more knowledge. Barty just liked arguing because it was arguing and Evan, well he was a perfect mix.

"That was nice while it lasted." Pandora whispered to Regulus.

He would never admit it but somehow these debates between them amused him. "I say Bulgaria should have won." He winked at Pandora who rolled her eyes and returned to her books as 3 pairs of eyes turned to look at him.

"Don't you start." Dorcas said her jaw clenched, Regulus smirked as her gaze intensified. "I'm warning you Regulus."

"You're all strange." Pandora laughed, Evan turned to look at her, as if he just now realised she was in the compartment.

"You're one to speak Lestrange." He laughed sitting down next to her. She scoffed. Evan liked using that line anytime Pandora called him strange, which was a lot.

"So original." She said.


The journey to Hogwarts always seemed to go by fast everytime Regulus was around people. But that day it felt as if the journey was stretching out too much. The scenery didn't blur by him. He'd zone out of conversations only to join in every now and then when his name was mentioned. About three hours in he decided to go on a walk leaving his friends alone in the compartment. He's never ventured around the train during the last five years, always sticking to his compartment. But he felt the need to stretch his legs. He did however regret his decision when he bumped into his brother.

"Hey Reg." Sirius said, Regulus didn't dare look at him.

"Sirius." He said staring at the floor.

"How are you?"

"Good." Conversations never came easy with the two but this was a whole new level of awkward.

"Alright, I won't keep you then." He smiled faintly and walked away, Regulus waited until he was far enough away to go back to his compartment where the conversation had now led to a debate on whether or not Binns was a good Professor.

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