Halloween '80

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Lily had the baby, and they actually named him Harry, poor kid! Regulus didn't know what to do with him half the time but he was committed to give him the best Halloween ever. Lily had to keep reminding him that he wasn't going to remember anything for atleast another three to four years but Regulus didn't care. He also didn't bother mentioning that this was more for him than it was for the kid but deep down she knew.

"Alright all we need now is the spiderwebs." He said as he lit up the lanterns. He never got to decorate much as a kid, mainly because his Halloween's were spent at school so everything was already decorated for him. But despite that his skills were surprisingly good, Lily had commented that the house looked like it belonged in some muggle magazines.

"Yes sir!" James jokingly saluted as he raised his wand to put up the spiderwebs.

"Reg can you come here for a second!" Lily called from the kitchen, James and Regulus shared a look before Regulus ran inside. Lily was holding Harry, who by the looks of it was starting to get really fussy.

"What's up?" He asked.

"Take him, he's been calling for you." She said handing over Harry. Regulus took him and suddenly Harry was as quiet as a mouse.

"He can't talk." Regulus told her, earning a glare.

"Go show him the decorations or something, I need to finish this, Sirius and Remus are coming over later." She told him.

"Is that safe?" He asked, she shrugged.

"They've been sworn to secrecy so yeah I'd say so. Reg, Sirius misses you and we can't deny him much longer." Regulus hasn't seen Sirius since before Harry was born and he knew it was about time.

"If you're sure I guess there's no point in arguing." He said before leaving the kitchen with baby Harry. James was still busy outside so Regulus took Harry up to his room.

"Moo-moo!" Harry exclaimed when he saw his cow teddy on the floor, Regulus snuck out one night to get it from his childhood bedroom and he was surprised by the lack of protections around his parents' house.

"That poor cow has been through so much." Regulus heard his brother behind him. Harry's head immediately turned towards him, before looking back at Regulus who gave him a reassuring smile before handing him the stuffed animal.

"He's a good luck charm." Regulus told his brother.

"I remember the day you brought it home and you had to convince Walburga you got it at Hogsmead because Merlin forbid you bring a muggle toy into her house." Sirius reminiced, "Surprised she didn't throw it out like I'm sure she's done with all my things. " He laughed.

"She hasn't touched your room since you left. She locked it and forbade anyone from going in, some nights I could hear her walk up and down the corridor but she could never bring herself to go in." Regulus said, Sirius looked up at him confused, "She might be cruel but deep down she has a heart an even though she'd never admit it, she missed you a great deal."

"I'm sure she did." Sirius grimaced. He never had the best relationship with their mother and he could never understand why Regulus stayed for so long. Truth be told Regulus did not hate his parents. They were horrible parents, sure there was no denying that but they had been forced into a life they did not want. Regulus often found himself remembering a conversation he had with his mother when he was about five.

"Mummy I don't like this dress, it's scratchy." A young Regulus said.

"You only have to wear it for a couple of hours." Walburga said trying to finish getting ready herself.

"Why can't I wear what Sirius is wearing?" Regulus asked.

"We've talked about this dear, Sirius is a boy, and you are a girl."

"But I don't like being a girl."

A few years later Regulus was allowed to transition and some very powerful magic was used to make it seem as if Regulus had always been a boy, the only person knowing the truth being him. For Walburga that conversation never happened and she gave birth to two sons, but a part of Regulus had always wondered how much of his childhood she could actually remember and another part felt guilty for taking away the one thing she had always wanted, which was a daughter.

"Earth to Regulus!" Sirius snapped his fingers in front of his face making Harry giggle.

"Get your hands out of my face." Regulus frowned.

"James needs your help outside." Remus informed him. Regulus nodded walking outside with Harry still on his hip.

"Lily's got you on prongslet duty?" James asked as if that wasn't obvious.

"Poor child." Regulus muttered referring to the nickname. "Remus said you needed me."

"Just wanted to know where you wanted the lights." James held up a bunch of Christmas lights.

"In the attic because Christmas isn't for another two months." Harry clapped his hands and pointed at a firework, thankfully the sound barrier Lily had put up was working. Regulus' heart melted at the sound of his laugh and the lights long forgotten as he focussed all his attention on the little human in his arms. He didn't notice Remus and Sirius joining them outside, nor did he notice Sirius's comment about him going soft.

The group stayed up reminiscing their years in Hogwarts and tried to keep the war out of their minds for just one night. Harry fell asleep in James's arms and Lily curled into Regulus's side as he played with her hair. He couldn't imagine his life any other way, he has had to make some difficult decisions to get there but it was all worth it to be spending everyday with his best friend and the love of his life.


A/N: I wanted to have this chapter out by Halloween but I've been so busy with College that I haven't had much time to write. But here's a little Halloween chapter.Baby Harry has my heart, and the way he has Regulus wrapped around his little fingers.

Platonic Jegulily? I was originally going in a different direction with this book but I fell in love with Regulus and Lily as best friends so I had to work that in.

The next chapter will most likely be the last and it wilI be a time jump..

I hope you're all doing well!

~ Sasha

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