How did we end up like this

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"Regulus Arcturus Black, don't you dare walk away from me." It was Pandora, the two just had divination together, well they were meant too but Regulus didn't show up, he hasn't shown up in a week and Pandora was past giving him the benefit of the doubt. He stopped in his tracks and turned to face her, her cheeks were stained red, like they were whenever she got mad, she reached him and crossed her arms over her chest. "You better have a bloody good explanation as to what is going on, first our engagement is called off and your cousin stepped up to marry my brother, and then you don't answer any of my mail-" In his defence his parents didn't let him, "- and then you avoid everyone once you get back to school." He didn't say anything he just stood there, "Look I know you've been going through some shit at home but that never stopped you from talking to me."

"I can't." He said, his voice was barely above a whisper but Pandora heard him, she reached out to touch take his hand but he flinched back, she would be lying if she said that didn't hurt but she didn't show it, she just retreated her hand.

"You can't or you won't?" She asked, Regulus looked at her, "You might not like it but you are still my friend, and I care about you too much to watch you go down the same path as my brothers and your cousin." He was surprised she had pieced everything together so fast, but she was a Ravenclaw so it shouldn't have been that hard.

"It's too late Pandora, he's watching my every move, he could be listening to us right now and we wouldn't know, I've already put too many people at risk, I won't do the same to you." He told her, he turned away from her and continued walking, she didn't try to stop him, she couldn't, he had already made his bed, she couldn't stop him from laying in it.


Regulus distanced himself more over the following weeks, it has gotten to the point where even Sirius was getting worried, but he didn't dare show it, he knew how stubborn Regulus could be and didn't risk pushing him too far, so he sent James to check in on him, it didn't take much convincing for James to now sit across from Regulus at breakfast, both equally aware of the hoards of eyes now looking at them. Regulus didn't move, he just read his book while chewing his cereal, James awkwardly played with his own hands.

"If you're going to say something, go ahead." Regulus said turning a page and looking up at James, a flash of pain passing through him as the two made eye contact.

"Sirius is worried about you." He said, Regulus scoffed looking down at his book again.

"I'm sure he is, you know James if you wanted to talk to me you could've just done so." He couldn't stop the smirk from appearing, he just hoped James didn't notice, it was stupid, he knew that, but any closeness to James he would gladly welcome, even if he wouldn't dare admit it.

"You've been ignoring me, I know when not to push, Sirius on the other hand." He said placing food onto his plate, Regulus looked up at him, raising an eyebrow, "Right now your brother is burning holes into my scull and won't allow me to sit back down at Gryffindor table until you are in a better mood, I might as well get comfortable." The two were soon joined by Barty and Evan, who both gave James a dirty look, Dorcas was sitting two seats away talking to Pandora. Regulus knew Evan wouldn't like this, Barty even less so he went back to reading his book ignoring their conversation.

"Potter." Evan was the first to speak, James nodded, "I suggest you move back to your own table before that shiny little badge of you gets stolen." He said tapping on James's head boy badge, he didn't argue this time, he just stood up, picking up his plate and making his way back to Gryffindor table, glancing down at Regulus for a split second before he sat down and spoke to Sirius.

"What was he doing here?" Barty asked taking a spoonful of berries from the bowl.

"Apparently Sirius is worried about me." He said, both Evan and Regulus scoffed. "Sirius only cares about three things, his hair, his eyeliner and his leather jacket." There was something else Sirius cared about more but Regulus wasn't at liberty to say.

"You are his brother." Barty said, Regulus looked up at him disgusted.

"My brother left me alone in a house where I have no place, I am but a shadow of his existence, if he really cared about me he wouldn't have left." Regulus got up and left the hall, he knew he shouldn't have snapped but Barty always tried seeing the best in everyone, that's one of the reasons they didn't work out, Regulus got tired of him defending everyone who hurt him. He passed by Pandora and Dorcas on his way and caught himself looking back at them for a split second before he left.

"You have to be nicer to him you know." He had no idea Evan had followed him, "He's very close to insanity." It was meant to be a joke but Regulus knew there was truth behind it, Barty has always been in his father's shadow and now he had his own path but at what cost?

"He'll be fine, he's got you now doesn't he?" Regulus smiled leaning against the banister, he was grateful the stairs leading to the great hall never moved.

"He still loves you, always will, as much as it pains me, he needs you as a constant in his life, if you run of with Potter, who knows what he'll become." Evan warned before leaving Regulus alone. Regulus had never thought of it like that, his relationship with Barty lasted only a month but it was something different, they told no one about it, not even Pandora knew, but clearly Barty had told Evan, why wouldn't he, the two were together, and usually good relationships are built on trust. Would explain why none of Regulus' relationships ever worked, he lacked trust, he believed that everyone was always against him.

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