Just the Beginning

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Jodol, King of Rohan, clasped his wife Tarawyn's hand tightly. She had been in labour for already three hours and her strength was waning. Trying to lie quietly and rest Tarawyn suddenly cried out, lurching forward as she had the urge to push. Jodol jolted but regained composure "It will all be over soon" he said soothingly in an attempt to encourage his wife.

In regular intervals she continued to cry out in frustration and pain until a softer, smaller cry could be heard. Jodol sprung to the end of the bed to see a beautiful little creature being born. "Is it..." Tarawyn whispered quietly, "Is it a?"

"A boy, Tarawyn" Jodol announced attempting to cover a slight disappointment. "He shall be named Neome, and become another great ruler of our lineage" Jodol said more proudly handing the small baby to a nurse to be cleaned.

Tarawyn laid back, looking slightly defeated but still with a soft smile on her face. Even if she had not produced the long awaited female heir the Elf Galadriel had prophesised about before leaving for the shores of Valinor the couple could not be unhappy with a son. Their son would join a long line of all-male rulers that started with King Eomer nine generations ago.

Tarawyn slowly drifted to sleep as her husband quietly crept out of the room so that she might rest more easily when, all of a sudden, her eyes shot open in pure terror. She called out unintelligibly, reaching for her husband's hand. He ran to her side "What is it?" Jodol urged with fear in his eyes. There was no reply just pain written across his wife's face. "What is wrong?" Jodol tried again attempting to control his skittish tone as he looked around at the dumbstruck nurses.

Suddenly, Tarawyn bewilderedly sat up and looked towards her feet. Slowly and in complete awe she leant forward lifting another small baby into the first light of sunrise. Shocked, Jodol stumbled forward with the realisation Tarawyn must have been carrying twins. Tarawyn looked up at her husband with wide eyes and in disbelief uttered "It's a girl".

"It's a girl!" King Jodol rejoiced. He burst from the room, gathered his most loyal men around him and exclaimed "We must send word to Gondor immediately; our long awaited Princess has arrived! The joining of our families lies before us. And also to the Elves, send a message at haste - the prophecy is only just beginning to unfold! Oh rejoice!"

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