Bucket List💧 pt. 1

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[Only small angst]


"So that's all?" I ask, still smiling so he didn't feel too guilty. "Yes. I'm sorry we couldn't-" "Don't apologise Innie. Death is inevitable." I chuckle under my breath which makes him frown "Since you only have 31 days to live, please stop working. Spend your last few days doing what you've always wanted to do. Okay?" He reached for my hand and squeezed it tightly. "I'll make sure to have fun." A small smile appeared on his face and he let go of my hand. "Remember, I'm always available, so don't be afraid to call me any time." Even though he sounded like he wasn't worried about me, I could see it in his eyes. "Hey, don't worry too much about me. I'll make sure to take care of myself, alright? You might die before me from how stressed you always are." We both chuckled and shared an embrace. "I'll be heading out now, doc. See you when at my funeral." I smiled before I could see the frown form on my friend's face.

As I left the hospital, I reached in my pocket and grabbed my phone. I scrolled through twitter, checking if there were any dramas in the kpop industry, but all I saw were fan accounts screaming about 3racha's comeback. A small chuckle escaped my breath when I saw the date their new album was going to be released. "What a coincidence." I murttered under my breath as I saw it was going to be on the day I die. I put my phone back in my hoodie pocket and  continued to walk to the bakery I worked at.

Once I entered, I was greeted by the bell on the door and the warm smell of freshly baked bread. "Hey Felix! Good to see you here." I looked at the counter and saw a puppy-like boy waving at me. "Hey boss, good to see you too." I waved back and started to head towards him. "What did they tell you this time?" His tone changed into worry as I gave him a small smile "31 days." My response made him frown. "I see... I'm guessing your going to quit?" He asked and moved closer to me "I mean, it isn't really a question. Because if you still wanted to work I would've fired you." He chuckled before giving me a warm embrace "You need to spend these days well Lix."

"I know, thanks for treating me so well. I loved working here." I tightened the hug as he hummed in response. "Alright, I'm going home. I'll call you later!" I said before waving my boss goodbye and walking out if the bakery.


I crashed on my bed and reached for my small note book. I opened to a page that said:

○Bucket list:
○- Work at a bakery ✔️
○- Stargaze
○- Go to a party
○- Dye my hair
○- Dance in the rain
○- Lose my virginity
○- Get a dog
○- Sleep on a beach with someone
○- Learn to skate ✔️

I ripped the page out and put it in my wallet. "Let's see how much of these I can do before I die."

The sun rose and so did I. My favourite time of day is the morning, so I'm always happy to wake up. I headed to my kitchen and made some coffee and put it in a disposable cup and left it on the counter to cool down while I went back into my bedroom to take a shower and change into some presentable clothes; a white turtle neck and a pair of pants that were the same colour along with a light brown coat and a white cap.

Once I finished getting ready, I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the cup of coffee that was now warm and headed out into the city.

I walked around aimlessly, thinking about what to do, until I realised I left my bucket list in my wallet. I reached into my pocket and pulled the note out of my wallet reading  the bucket list and seeing what I could do today. "Hm... I'm dressed too nicely to go to a party... why don't I just dye my hair?" While I mumbled to myself, I looked up and to my convenience, I was infront of a hair salon. "Oh, well I'm already here anyways. Guess I'll just do it now."

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