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Pitter, patter.

Pitter, patter.

Pitter, patter.

Rain- or a storm. He didn't care. Why would he? There was nothing to care about anyways, it was just the world crying. A sudden growl from the sky slightly startled the boy, as jumped in his bed. Sure, he didn't care about rain, but thunder was still scary to Felix.

He sighed and hid his body under his soft blanket, hoping to feel more warmth. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough. He wanted more, he wanted enough warmth to suffocate himself from the sound of the thunder, and a mere blanket was far from enough to comfort him. Nevertheless, he knew there was nothing he could do, as all of the members were definitely fast asleep already and he didn't want to wake anyone just because he was scared of a bit of thunder. He frowned knowing that he would have to sleep cold and alone, without anyone there to hug him. Without Hyunjin there to hug him.

Although he knew it was wrong to think about one of his band members as a potential love interest, his heart had different plans, and Felix knew his heart was stronger than his common sense, so who was he to try and argue with it? He liked Hyunjin, and that was it.

He couldn't control the fact his heart ran marathons everytime they would practice and his eyes would catch a sweaty Hyunjin, he couldn't control the way his cheeks would turn beet red when Hyunjin would walk shirtless around the dorm, he couldn't control how he would unconsciously smile at the brunette everytime they would be hanging out, he couldn't control the way he would get flustered every time the other would flirt with him in a friendly manner, he couldn't control the amount of love that swelled in his chest that wanted to burst out and drown Hyunjin.

Yet even if he could control the way he felt, he wouldn't supress his feelings, he would let them run wilder than ever, he would let them smoulder Hyunjin with love, because the last thing Felix wants to do is hide the way he felt. He knew that some day it would all come crashing down on him, due to the fact that Felix was certain Hyunjin didn't feel the same way.
Though it hurt to know that it was a one sided love, Felix still gifted every bit of himself to Hyunjn, even if it meant that he would shatter on the floor the day Hyunjin would reject him. Sometimes he would shed tears at the thought, but it was life, wether he liked it or not.

Time passed, and Felix still hadn't managed to fall asleep. The thunder was one of the reasons, but the main reason was because his throat felt dry. He stayed in his bed for a while since he was too lazy to get up, though the inevitable came and he finally got out of his bed to get a drink. He quietly walked down the stairs of the dorm, trying to make the least amount of noise, so to not make any of the members wake up, and when he reached the kitchen, he opened a cupboard and reached for a glass cup. Immediately upon grabbing the glass, small sounds of footsteps approached him. He put the glass down on the counter, and waited for the unknown figure to come closer to him, and once the target was close enough, he quickly turned around and pinned the intruder to the kitchen counter. A small grunt escaped the pinned boy as Felix held both his arms behind his back, causing him to be completely trapped. It was a good thing Felix did taekwando for twelve years, it came in handy at some points."Who the fuck are you and what are you trying to do sneaking up on me like that?" His deep voice almost sounded like growling as he whispered in the boy's ear. "L-lix... its me." Felix's eyes widened as he heard a familiar voice emit from the figure, quickly releasing the boy's hands and backing away. "Oh shit, I'm so sorry Hyunjin I didn't realise-"

"It's okay lix, I shouldn't have sneaked up on you like that." It was too dark to see Hyunnins features, but Felix could tell he had a smile on his face. "Sorry..." Felix looked down in embarrassment. I just pinned Hyunjin down on the kitchen counter. I just fucking pinned my crush to on the kitchen counter. "Hey don't worry, it was self defence, dont feel bad." Hyunjin walked closer to Felix and scuffled his hair. Felix nodded and looked at the taller again "what are you doing up so late?" The blonde tilted his head.

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