Lunch Money -K2

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3rd person:

Kyle looked at the clock impatiently, he just couldn't stand chemistry class. Especially when it came to Mr. Garision's teaching. The guy doesn't even teach crap. Kyle looked over to his spare sheet of notebook paper. He started to write a note, he might aswell take advantage of the fact Mr. Garrison is still sleeping.

He wrote a short note and passed it to one of his dearest friends, Kenny McCormick. Kyle smiled as Kenny's face lit up. Kenny enthusiasticly picked up his pencil and started writing.

Kenny, Do you want lunch money? I have spare money for you!


Thanks Ky! I do


Kenny added a little "platonic" heart to nice letter he's received. He blushed as he folded the paper and slid it next to Kyle with his foot. Kyle pretended to drop his pencil to pick up the note, since Mr.Garrison just woke up.Kyle picked up the letter and zoned out with a smile.

The bell rang and everyone rushed to the cafeteria. Except for Kyle and Kenny.Kyle slowly packed His notebook and textbooks. And organized his pencil case.

"Hey you four better leave soon I have lunch too!" Mr. Garrison said to the four boys, Stan, Kyle, Kenny, and Cartman.

"Hurry up Kyle!" Stan said looking at Kyle with an  impatient tone laced to his voice.

"Yea jew, we don't have all day!" Cartman said tapping his foot.

Kenny slug his backpack over his shoulders. Kyle looked over and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Dude, remind me to get you a new backpack." Kyle said pointing at Kenny's mysteriously stained backpack, that had small holes. Kenny chuckled and put his hood down.

"Eh, I'm not too worried about it." Kenny said. Kyle smiled and turned to the two impatient boys and walked over.

"You two done being fans or..?" Cartman said snickering.
Kyle shook his head and turned to Stan....who is hiding his smug smile.

"God you two Stan?" Kenny said calmly. Stan looked over to Kenny and made his two hands kiss. Kenny blushed and turned over to open the cafeteria door. The sound of girls and boys chattering, laughing, and puking?

They were going through the line as Kyle snuck Kenny his 5 bucks, which buys a decent meal. Kenny smiled and took his meal.

The boys walked to their table they always sit at. Stan looked at Kyle then Kenny and then Kyle.

"Ummm so me and cartman are going to get some shit from the vending machine, want anything?" Stan said waving 10 bucks.

"I'll have a pack of oreos." Kyle said. Kyle looked at Kenny.

"Uhh can I have a bag of chips?" Kenny asked. Cartman looked at both of them with a disgusted face.

"So you guys can share?" Cartman said nudging Stan.

"Uh okay. I'll get you guys your snacks." Stan said with a thumbs up. Stan and Cartman walked away slowly turning to see the both of them once.

"Wierdos." Kyle said picking and his vegetables. Kenny..who finished his meal looked up.

"They did this to Craig and Tweek." Kenny said fixing his coat.

"Hey, thanks for the money Ky." Kenny said smiling,"I appreciate it." He continued. Blush dusted both of their cheeks.Kenny held Kyle's hand from. Under the table.

"Uh no problem you deserve it." Kyle said almost sounding nervous. Kenny squeezed Kyle's hand.

"Hey Kyle.Can I ask you something important?" Kenny asked looking at Kyle nervously. Kyle turned red.

"S-sure Ken." Kyle said.

"Would you ever consider. Us?" Kenny asked. Kyle used his other hand to pull his Ushkanda.

"Uhh- I mean um. I-I. Yes!" Kyle blurted out. Kenny smiled.

"Then you won't have a problem with this." Kenny said removing Kyle's hands from his hat.

Kenny then kissed Kyle's cheek softly. Kyle pulled his collar.
He then quickly leaned in and kissed Kenny. Kenny cupped Kyle's face. The short kiss felt longer to the two teens. Kyle looked at Kenny and hugged him. Then of course:

"You still want your snacks." Stan said awkwardly. The two pulled apart quickly.

"Sweet! I got a good pic Stan!" Cartman said sending it to Stan.

"I gotta go send this picture as a commission drawing for the Asian girls." Cartman said walking away.

Stan chuckled and sat down handing the two their snacks.

"Uhh I'm gonna go hang around with Butters." Stan said.

"See you guys *gays*."Stan said walking up to the table  Butters was sitting at.

"And he teases us." Kyle said looking at the two giggling boys across from them. Kenny chuckled.

"Wanna share snacks?" Kenny asked.

"Sure." Kyle said opening his pack of oreos.

"I love you Kyle." Kenny said opening his bag.

"O-oh I love you too Kenny." Kyle said fumbling to get an oreo.

And the two boys spent their day together.

810 words.

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