Perfect Shade -Red x Heidi

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Ages: 14

Red was very excited, I mean..who wouldn't be excited to go hang out with their best friend for a whole two days! Red was going to have a sleepover with Heidi Turner. What made this so special to Red was that it was going to be just the two of them. No Wendy or Nicole tagging along. It would just be the two of them, and Red had so many things prepared for this special weekend. Red was sitting in her room, figuring out what preferred clothing she wanted to wear, she wanted to look beautiful for a non-weird way. She just wanted to look presentable for Heidi..since Heidi was already naturally pretty,

Red finished up packing her things in her bag, clothing, makeup, toothpaste and toothbrush, her favorite fuzzy slippers! Dental floss...she couldn't risk having something stuck in her teeth, that would be embarrassing. Once she finished packing she nagged her mother.

"Okay mom! I'm ready to go to my friend's house!" She beamed excitedly. Red's mom smiled and got up from the couch.

"Okay okay..let's get going then." She spoke calmly..the two got into the car. The drive was very quiet because instead of rambling on about some things throughout her day, Red was just thinking. She felt so flustered at the thought she'd finally be alone with Heidi. Heidi was a popular girl, many boys loved her and can never take a hint that she's not interested (I'm going to attack Cartman on that one.), and now Red has her chance. Before Red even knew it, her mom had parked in front of Heidi's house.

"Well Honey, we've arrived. Stay safe Okay? Tell me if anything goes wrong, and tell me when to pick you up on Sunday." Red's mother said in a very caring tone, she was her mother after all. Red nodded.

"Don't worry mom! I'll be super duper safe I promise!" Red spoke, giving her mom a kiss on the cheek. She got out of the car and took her bag..they both waved at each other.

"Okay? I'll see you in two days..I love you!" Red's mom called out from the car. Red's face flushed in slight embarrassment.

"Uh..yea alright mom!" She called back..her mother drove away. Leaving her in front of Heidi's house...before she could knock, Heidi had already opened the door.

Heidi was wearing a plain sage green t-shirt, her usual beanie, a skirt that went to just above her knees, white leg warmers and her favorite light up shoes. Red blushed a little bit, how could Heidi be so effortlessly gorgeous?

"Hi Red! You finally came..I've been waiting literally all day! I have so much planned!" Heidi said excitedly, dragging Red into her home and rushing her to her room before Heidi's parents could even greet Red.

"Oh wow..your room is so tidy. " Red muttered..looking around the room thst was somewhat familiar.

"Eh not really, it's kind of messy right now." Heidi responded with a shrug. Red looked at her in disbelief.

"It your room is 'messy'.." Red started, using finger quotes to emphasize, "then you definitely wouldn't wanna see my room." She finished, crossing her arms. Heidi giggled a little bit.

"Oh c'mon I'm sure it's not that bad." Heidi spoke with a smile that Red couldn't help but return.

"Now let's do eachother makeup! I've been dying  to use this makeup on someone else." Heidi said happily. Red looked confused as Heidi pulled out her usual makeup box.

"Haven't you used that on Wendy bef-" Red was cut off my Heidi's finger  being placed on her lips.

"Shhh...let me show you what's in it first!" She said, Red nodded. (I wanted to make Heidi say "Shhh let me cook" that bad?)

Heidi opened the box, and Red was met with a bunch of new makeup untouched, many eyeshadows and lipsticks of sorts, their foundation shade was slightly different since Heidi was a bit more tan bit the difference wasn't too grave. Red's eyes lit up.

"You didn't tell me you got all of this." Red spoke, putting her hands together in happiness.

"It was a surprise! Plus I save these sort of things for special people!" Heidi said without thinking. Red looked at her mischievously.

"So...I'm special to you?" Red said with a giggle..Heidi blushed.

"W-well yea!..whatever let's just start your makeover!" Heidi said, trying to move on. Red smiled.

"Don't worry, I think you're special too." She added. The two girls blushed, and moved on awkwardly.

Some time went by and Heidi had finished giving Red her makeover,  a subtle eyeshadow look with some eyeliner, something was missing though. The lipstick! Heidi knew that Red was more of a lipstick girl than a lip gloss girl, Red was more bold and outgoing. Heidi was scared none of her lipstick shades would match to Red's liking. Heidi decided to just guess and make a go for the dark red lipstick, it was dark but not too neon or outstanding.

She carefully applied it to her best friend's lips..making sure not to go over. Their faces were very close to eachother, Red could smell Heidi's perfume. Heidi was always a champagne toast wearer, usually Red would complain that the fragrance was overrated and too many girls used it..but Heidi was that one exception. Heidi was special.

When Heidi finished applying the layer of lipstick she smiled. She took out a compact , and opened it so Red could see herself.

"I love it, but I think it looks a little bit too dark on you.."Heidi said softly, examining Red's look.

"Im sure there's a way to fix that, or you have a wipe?" Red spoke, hesitantly. Red noticed Heidi's stare at her lips, and passed it off as inspecting her own work.

Both girls started to blush slightly, pink tinting Heidi's cheeks, not so much Red's due to the makeup. They slowly interlocked hands, it's as if they were speaking through their minds, they felt a connection neither one of them could explain.

Their lips met for a moment, Red felt warm inside and happy, there was no doubt Heidi felt the same way. After a few seconds their lips parted. They stared at eachother.

They started to giggle as they realized the lipstick smudged onto Heidi's lips, but the slight bit of lipstick that was removed during the kiss made a different shade on Red's lips.

"Oh wow...that matches me so well." She spoke looking in the compact mirror once more, still rather flustered.

"The perfect shade if you may." Heidi added, feeling confident.

Both girls exchanged a brief kiss. They felt comforted by each other's presence...both girls knew that this sleepover was going to be the best sleepover ever.

Word count: 1155 (wooo!!)

A/N: I'm taking old requests but please don't be shy to request newer requests, they are open at the moment. So take advantage!

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