The Oldtimer

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A/n: super sorry for the long ass wait, I was intending to publish this a few days ago but the last few days have been rough for me... anyway here's the chapter, hope you all enjoy it!

*old landing strip, Jasper, Nevada*

The dusty runway stretched just under 3000 meters, and at the end were two large hangars which a man named Chuck had turned into a museum and the other into his workshop.

A class of students from Memorial High wandered around the museum, three of them were Jack, Miko and Raf, who besides Raf looked bored.

As they lagged behind the rest of the class Raf noticed a missing exhibit which made him deflate.

"no...why aren't they showing the Lockheed SR-71" Raf muttered in disappointment as he received strange looks from his friends.

"It's not that special is it Raf?" Miko whined as Raf huffed before turning to her.

"It's the fastest plane in the world, it can travel from London to New York in an Hour and fifty-four minutes" Raf replied receiving a playful glare from Miko, Jack sighed as the two started arguing for the fifth time this trip.

They caught up with their class as they began to leave the museum and board the coaches back to the school.


Chuck was laying under the SR-71 his face displaying confusion as he studied the section that changed overnight, he couldn't believe that someone had the nerve to deface his prized Exhibit, he was furious when the face? Appeared on the jet's chassis.

"god damn it!" Chuck roared as his seventh attempt at removing the face failed, sliding out from under the SR-71 he threw his gloves onto his toolbox before marching out of the workshop heading towards the nearest bar.

A few minutes later the sound of shifting metal filled the hangars followed by loud footsteps before the door was opened by a large black metal hand.

The large figure was revealed to be a cybertronian that stood slightly taller than Optimus.

"where the bloody hell am I?" he spoke having a British accent, his voice was gruff and his faceplate was filled with a beard made from plates of metal, he was hunched over and had a tall thin cane, he had red lines dotted all over his form from his alt mode. But the most striking part about him was his red optics which scanned his surroundings, he then transformed and sped away in his superior alt mode the Lockheed SR-71 "Blackbird".

He was Jetfire the leader of the seekers before Starscream as well as the fastest cybertorian ever to take to the skies.


As the SR-71 flew through the air, he found a trail of active Energon, leading to a large ravine where he noted a pair lead by the large frame of Optimus Prime, they were battling a large green mech who punched the prime in the face sending him back pedaling, until he was side by side with bumblebee.

"Skyquake has not yet acquired a vehicle mode... Fallback" optimus spoke to his comrade as they both transformed and created a cloud of dust.

Blinded from seeing his opponents Skyquake roared with rage.

"so time has made you a coward!"

Jetfire flew above the clouds almaking sure no one could see him.


Soundwave stood alone the smoke was still in the air after Starscream flew off and Lazerbeak following after.

He activated his surveillance scanning the entire planet and space around Earth, his frame shook ever so slightly, as his spark seemed to be unsettled.

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