Darkness Rising

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A/n: sorry this chapter a few days late all my books have suffered due to technical difficulties.
3rd Person Pov

The Nemesis Approached the space bridge, as Megatron, Starscream, Liberator all stood at the helm of the bridge, a monitor displaying the four Autobots.

"Optimus Prime never disappoints... Unlike you, Starscream" Megatron growls tilting his head at the snivelling seeker.

"no need for concern, Master soundwave is locking onto Cybertron's coordinates per my in-" star scream is interrupted by Megatron's glare making him jump in fear.

"you mean Liberator's Instructions," Megatron snapped before turning to Liberator.

A few minutes passed as the trio watched the Autobots converse, Starscream nervously coughed gaining the large mech's attention.

"Surely the Autobots are up to something?" when the words left Starscreams mouth Liberator rolled his eyes before turning around and heading up to the hangar, as he left he heard Megatron's sarcastic question Starscream's "astute" observation.

Over the comms, Liberator heard Megatron order the Vehicons to attack, Liberstor soon arrived at the hangar his back started to shift until a large thruster was in the middle of his back.

He lifted off and flew forwards studying the Autobots he then heard a buzzing over his comms.

"my lord, what is your command?" Liberator asked as Optimus took notice of Liberator floating a short distance from the Nemesis.

"leave prime for me the others are yours to do with as you wish, ensure they are crushed," Megatron ordered as Liberator nodded before flying into action and tackling bulkhead, the pair rolled along the ground of the space bridge before Bulkhead slammed his fist into the floor halting the pair before they fell off the space bridge.

The space bridge shifted as Liberator rose from the floor his crimson optics locked onto Bulkhead, the reception sprang forwards his frame moving swiftly for a hot his size.

Bulkhead let out a roar before charging towards Liberator, as Raf stopped the Decepticons from locking onto the coordinates.

The ground shook making Liberator stumble slightly, Bulkhead taking advantage of his foes loss of balance swung his mace into Liberator's chest sending him back as Arcee and Bumblebee, fired a multitude of blasts at Liberator who tanked them before using his thruster regained his footing and returned fire using his dual fusion cannon.

As the Autobots weaved, around the blasts. The space Bridge realigned as Megatron rose from the hull of the Nemesis a massive chunk of Dark Energon on his shoulders, the space bridge lit up a turquoise blue, as Energon flowed through it.

"At last!" he proclaimed before throwing the chunk of Energon with a roar of effort.

As the Dark Energon flew towards the space bridge, Optimus fired a few shots which barely made a mark as the dark energon went straight through the portal.

Liberator backed off admiring Megatrons handiwork.

"Arise my legion!" the Silver mech roared putting his arms up in triumph,


As the Dark Energon collided with Cybertron purple veins sprouted across the planet as the corpses of Decepticon, Autobots, civilians all rose their bodies possessed by the dark Energon, the clumsily flew up towards the space bridge.

They roared their mouths filled with a purple light.


"so... How do we defeat a whole planet of the undead?"Bulkhesd asked with a shrug as Optimus glanced towards him.

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