Chapter 8

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It was finally time for school. Time to make new friends and new enemies.

Yesterday I found out that the boys apparently wanted to do this thing where they drive into the school together, one car after the other, at the same time and speed as they wanted a 'grand entry' for their first day of the second semester in school with the 'new hot girl' – their words not mine. We're going to drop Josh and Max off in the middle school section first though.

I was feeling so giddy while changing into my clothes for the day. These clothes are the first thing this school will see me in. They will remember me by what I wear today, for the rest of my high school career. I need to make a good lasting impression.

I decided to wear really short black shorts, and a white off-shoulder top with white stilettos. I put on really thick black eyeliner and mascara, but went natural with the rest of my face. I added a pair of black hoops and silver charm bracelet to complete the look.

I threw my bag over my shoulder and checked the time on my phone. Crap it's 7:40! I'm running late. Why didn't anyone come get me already?

I quickly rushed out my room and down the stairs to find Josh and Kevin still chewing on their toasts and Zach grabbing his backpack and heading out. He wasn't going to be riding with us as his university was the other way, which is a bummer because honestly, he's quiet cool. I couldn't see the others in the room though. Okay so at least Kevin and Josh are still eating. Good, that means I have time to quickly grab a bite or two.

"Mornin'" Kevin greeted me with a nod.

"Oh! Good morning honey!" Mrs. Wolf smiled and passed me a plate with 2 bread toasts and a cup of orange juice.

"Morning." I said to both of them and ruffled Josh's hair.

"Where are the others?" I asked.

"Adrian's gone to the garage to get his car keys and Andrew's went back up to his room because the idiot forgot his phone. And Carter and Jake are waiting outside." Kevin answered.

"Dad's gone off to work and the twins are sleeping." Josh shrugged.

"Huh" I said, biting into my toast.

"We got to go. We're going to be late. Let's go fellas!" Adrian yelled as he entered the kitchen, linked elbows with me and started dragging me out. I squealed, trying to quickly pick my juice glass up and gulping it down, setting it down then groaned when I couldn't reach back to pick up the remaining of my toast. Adrian had dragged me too far away.

Kevin just laughed at me and then picked up my shoulder bag with one hand and his backpack with the other. I wouldn't have minded if he'd picked up my toast instead of my bag. I'm still hungry.

"Bye mum. Love you." Kevin and Josh said at the same time.

"Bye aunt." Adrian said.

"Bye sweethearts! Love you too." Mrs. Wolf replied.

I then heard choruses of bye aunts and mums from outside the living room.

"Bye all of you, bye Stella. Have a great first day honey." Mrs. Wolf smiled at me.

"Thanks Mrs—Jane." I smiled back, correcting myself just in time from calling her Mrs. Wolf.

"Have fun all of you." She exclaimed at our retreating backs.

I was dumped into the back seat of the car while everyone else took their places one after the other. The ride went by pretty quickly. We had just dropped off Josh and Max, and I couldn't see the silver Porsche next to us anymore. It disappeared soon after. We just had 5 minutes before we were going to be parking into the school. Currently our car was stopped behind a few huge bushes and trees.

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