04 - friend

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fourth's pov

It's been maybe one or two weeks since me and Gemini started being friends. He's so nice. I liked him before this but now I feel like I'm in love. He's always there for me. It was almost like I forgot what friendship felt like. I forgot it was this beautiful.

I went to school, in the way I always went. my uniform, jacket and my hair messier than my room. and of course my really dirty converse.

when I got there, gemini was waiting for me beside my locker. I looked over and smiled. he smiled back.

"good morning. did you sleep?" he asked and I nodded. "yeah. a whopping 2 hours. alot, I know." I said and he chuckled. "did you eat anything?" "no, just brushed my teeth." I said and he nodded.

I don't know why but whenever he asks me about if I've eaten I feel a sense of guilt. maybe cause in these past two weeks I've eaten maybe ten times? most of them being my mom forcing me.

"do you wanna hang out later?" he asked me and I was shocked for a bit, maybe two minutes passed and I nodded. "sure. when?" I said. he smiled a little. "woah what's up with you today?" he asked, and I looked at him confused. "what do you mean?" "well usually you say 'oh I can't I have stuff to do' or make up a dumb excuse." he said and I looked at him with that 'are you serious' look.

"I do not." I said and rolled my eyes, then he looked at me with the same look and I clicked my tongue. "okay maybe I do but, I really do have stuff to do." I said putting my hands infront of me. "and what are the stuff? lay in bed all day?" he asked and I just looked away.

that hurt for some reason. was he saying I'm lazy and I don't do anything? he's not way off. I'm useless basically.

"hey I'm sorry." he said and put his hand on my shoulder. "I was just joking." I looked at him and smiled a bit. he just stared at me, was he grossed out? I stopped smiling and looked away, but I could still feel his eyes on me.


we were going out to the mall. he apparently had to buy some stuff and asked me to go.

I started getting ready an hour before. I took a shower, let my hair air dry. and I took out some clothes. nothing special, just a green hoodie and some black sweatpants. my hair was air-drying while I was changing. and by the time I brushed my teeth, changed and cleaned my room up a bit, my hair was dry.

I just left it like it always was. over half of my eyes, barely brushed out and messy.

it was now 6:25. gemini said he would come to pick me up at 6:30. I went downstairs and saw my mom.

"hey fourth, where are you going?" she asked. "oh I forgot to tell you I'm going out with my friend." I said and she just looked at me, her eyes wide. "what? am I hearing this right? I get shocked when you come out of your room let alone go out with a friend." she said and I just stared at her. "what the fuck?" I said and she kinda glared at me. "language. and what? you never go out. I'm just shocked." she said, a bit rudely. "okay but you didn't have to say it like a war just ended. is it that hard to believe?" I said and rolled my eyes. she just scoffed and looked away.

I took my backpack which I use for basically everything, and put my shoes on. then I walked out and slammed the door. then I saw a car pull up. It was gemini. I went over to the car and opened the door to the passenger side and went in.

"hey." he said and I said hi back. "you look dressed up." he said and chuckled. "okay not everyone has luxurious outfits in their closet." I said and rolled my eyes. "you seem mad. did something happen?" he said before he drove away. "nothing happened and it's none of your business." I said and he just nodded and shut up.

a few minutes passed and I turned to look at him "sorry." I said and played with my fingers. "it's okay, don't worry. I'm just worried cause you don't seem too good these past few days." he said and I stared at him.

he's worried about me? why would he be worried about me? I don't deserve it.

"oh." I just said and looked down.

"but it's okay. it's nothing ice cream can't fix." he said and my eyes almost instantly lit up. "oh my god you're gonna take me to get ice cream?" I said and looked at him, smiling just a little bit. he chuckled and nodded. "of course, it wouldn't be a da- I mean a hang out without ice cream." he said and I smiled and looked away.


"thank you." gemini said to the ice cream lady, handing me the mint chocolate chip ice cream I got. I immediately started eating it. I smiled, really widely. I haven't eaten ice cream ever since my dad passed away, so maybe five years ago.

Gemini just looked at me and smiled a bit. "what?" I asked and looked back at him. "you're such a messy eater." he said and reached out, wiping my lips with his thumb, I looked up at the taller boy, feeling a slight rush to my cheeks. he pulled his hand away and looked at his thumb. them he just licked the ice cream off. I was still looking at him.

"are you okay?" he asked and I finally snapped out. "uh- yeah, yeah I'm okay." I said and looked away. "come on let's go, we still have to go to a place." he said and I nodded, following him.

he was taking me to a clothing store. I finished my ice cream by the time we got there. we went inside and went to the boys section. Gemini looked around and so did I. I found a really cute, dark grey hoodie. and gemini found a nice outfit for himself. we went to the checkout and he took his wallet and took out some money. as I was taking some money out of my backpack, he looked at me. "I'll pay." he said and I just shook my head. "no way I'm not letting you pay." I said and he shrugged his shoulders. "too late." he said and just paid Infront of me. I sighed and let him do what he wanted to.


we were riding home, and we got to my house. I looked at him and smiled. "thanks for getting me out of the house." I said and he nodded. "no problem. I've been trying to for so long." he said and I laughed a bit. he looked at me. "you have a really pretty smile." he said and that caught me off guard, I looked back at him, my smile dropping slightly. "h-huh?" I was confused. I've never gotten that compliment before. if I'm being honest I don't think I've gotten complimented since my dad died.

he didn't say anything, he just looked at me, I didn't even notice he was leaning in, and so was I.

we were getting so close. he slightly tilted his head, but suddenly I heard my ringtone, and he shot his head back, so did I. I looked down at my phone, it was my mom. I answered it.

"hey mom." I said, probably red. "fourth where are you?" she asked. "I'm just outside I'm gonna come in in like five minutes. I'm just saying bye to my friend." I said and scratched my face a bit. "okay honey, if they want they can stay over for dinner." she said and I just said okay. then hung up.

I looked at him and smiled slightly. "my mom asked if you want to stay over for dinner." I offered and he shook his head. "no thanks. my parents are probably waiting for me." he said. we were both talking in an awkward tone, this was really awkward. "okay. uhm. I'll get going now." I said and he nodded. we said bye and I left. I went inside, said hi to my mom and went up to my room. I immediately plopped on my bed and hit my head on the pillow multiple times.

my mom called for dinner and I told her I wasn't hungry. I went on my phone and played random games. then I read some books and finally, I went to bed at around 3 am.


yay. almost kiss. next chapter might be a bit awkward but I dunno. it might also have a hint of angst cause idk why I love making angsty stuff. this one's pretty long so yeah!

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