29 - aftermath

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fourth's pov

the next day when I woke up, the sunlight was shining in my eyes from the window that was directly looking at me. I squinted my eyes and groaned a little, turning my head away.

my head hurt, maybe because I didn't get enough sleep. I got used to my new sleeping schedule. I went to bed early and I'd wake up without any problems.

but, since last night me and gemini did... that, we went to bed really late. gemini wasn't in the bed, he was already up, I was sleeping and I'd just woken up.

I got up and I stretched out then I walked out of the room and I went downstairs. I saw that gemini was in the kitchen, making food apparently.

his dad wasn't in the room so I just assumed he was at work or he was sleeping still.

I walked over to him and leaned on the counter beside him, looking to see what he was making. "what're you making?" I asked him and he looked at me. "I'm just making lazy breakfast, just some eggs." he said and I nodded.

"I'm not really hungry though. make some for yourself only." I told him and he frowned. "Okay." he said simply and continued making his food.


it was Monday that day. i huffed as i put on his uniform that I had taken with me. I checked my phone and saw that my mother didn't call me at all. only phat texted me.

phat 🎨: bro when r u coming home?
fnj❀: never
phat 🎨: naur I'll miss you bbg
fnj❀: what the hell
fnj❀: you got your own bbg go hit him up
fnj❀: go make beamphat real!
phat 🎨: bitch wtf
phat 🎨: what kinda drugs are you on bro😰
fnj❀: okay bye I'm going to school
phat 🎨: bitch ass mf

I put my phone in my pocket and I turned around. I saw gemini buttoning up his shirt and I smiled. "hurry up. we'll be late." I told him and he nodded.

when he finished, he took his backpack and walked out of his room, me following behind him.


we got to school and I saw phat outside, talking with someone. I didn't know that person. the guy was probably three or four inches taller than phat. he wasn't so familiar.

"you go in, I'll be there in a bit" I told gemini and he nodded, saying a little 'see you later' and heading inside.

I walked over to them. "hey, who's this?" I asked phat directly. he turned to me and smiled. "this is beam, beam this is fourth." he said and I nodded. "so you're beam? cool cool. phat literally never shuts up about y-" I started but phat slapped a hand over my mouth and smiled to look innocent.

beam smirked a little. I guess he got what I was saying. "oh really?" he said while phat took his hand off my mouth and slouched a little. I nodded but phat denied it. "no I don't. he's making things up." he said and beam just hummed, obviously not buying it.

"so, you're phat's brother or friend?" beam asked me. "uhh step brother." I said and beam nodded. he looked at his watch to check the time. "I have to go now, I have an errand to run. I'll see you guys some other time." he said and smiled at phat. "oh- okay then. bye have fun." phat said and smiled back at him. beam then left and I looked at phat.

phat also looked at me, his smile dropped and he sighed. "dude! can't you shut your mouth for once?" he asked and I shook my head. "sorry I can't man." I said and he just groaned quietly and then he walked away.


when it was time for lunch, I sat in my usual place and as always, I didn't eat.

suddenly, someone sat down infront of me. it was phat. "hey dude." he said and I looked at him. "hey, why aren't you sitting with way and pring?" I asked him and he shrugged. "I don't feel like sitting with them." he said and I nodded.

we talked about random stuff for a bit. that was until I saw gemini. with the same girl he kissed. my heart dropped to my stomach. what was he doing talking to her again?

I think phat noticed that because he asked me what was wrong. I didn't really answer but I kept watching them talk. phat turned around to see what I was watching. when he saw it he furrowed his eyebrows a little. "what the fuck?" he muttered.

the girl was playing with her hair and looking at gemini as she was talking the whole time. gemini had a pretty bored expression on his face.

as I was about to get up, phat had already gotten up and started walking towards them.

he reached them and I couldn't hear what he was saying but he definitely said something bad cause the girls expression changed and she frowned. I could see that she scoffed before she walked away.

gemini looked at phat and smiled. I got up and walked towards them. "why were you talking to her?" I asked him directly. he looked at me. "she was apologizing but in a very stupid and boring way." he said and I just nodded and muttered an 'okay'

he still looked at me and frowned a little. he came closer to me and put his hands on my shoulders, looking at me. "fourth, I promise it wasn't anything else. she was just apologizing. here." he put his pinky finger up and I looked at it before hooking mine with it.

he smiled and then the bell rang. I had completely forgotten that it was lunch break and plus that phat was just watching us. "okay I'm gonna go." phat said and I turned around to look at him. "alright. I'll see you later." I said, letting go of gemini's finger.

phat left and I looked at gemini. "I also have to go, baby." he said and I nodded. "okay, I do too. bye gem. see you later aswell." I said and then I walked out, going to my class.

I sat down on my seat and sighed, taking my phone out. I went into instagram and I just scrolled through my boring feed. I had nothing to do. then the teacher walked in and greeted us. we did the same as her and then the lesson started.


alr this chapter is just so I can update. it's really boring and badly written ik but I was just writing this like a little bit every few days so ignore if it's really bad.

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