Mikey doesnt know if he won the argument...

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Pov Mikchelangelo~

When I woke up this morning I didn't think I'd end it by arguing with my eldest brother (that's usually Leonardo's job). Yet here I am confronting the annoying habit my eldest brother has of babying me... again.

"I mean come on Raph," I start, pacing around the living room of the new lair, "my arms healed beyond what they were before. I'm not some injured 15 year old who can't pick up a plastic spatula anymore." I am fuming this is the fifth time this week Raph tried carrying me across town.

"I'm sorry lil bro, I can't help it," I stare at my big bro a little suspicious of 'lil' he said but let it go, "It's just... It's the first week since Draxy declared your arms fully healed, and..." Raph paused, unsure of how to continue. "I guess I'm still a little nervous another incident might happen." My posture softens at his response. Although the foot clan has officially retired to set up a sweets bakery (As mentioned by Casey Sr.) there has been rumors of a different evil seeking to wreak havoc amongst humans and mutants alike.

"I appreciate your concern, but Raphie. I've been training with Draxum to ensure your and my safety," I reach out to hug my oldest bro, " your really overreacting." We stay like that for a few seconds before a huge crash is heard in the kitchen. "Okay, thank you for talking with me but I really need to make sure Leo isn't anywhere near the stove." Raph huffs out a watery chuckle.

"Yeah, he's probably trying to impress his Waiter friend again." I give a little giggle. Leo had gained a friend during our recent get together at Hueso's, and won't shut up about him for longer than a minute. I bolt straight to the kitchen where it looks like someone cover every inch of it with a thicker coat of flour. Lo and behold none other than Leonardo Hamato is on the ground with a hysterical Usagi fighting for his life on the counter.

"LEONARDO BLUE HAMATO, WHAT IM THE EVERY LIVING PIZZA ARE YOU DOING WITH A BAG OF FLOUR IN YOUR CLUTCHES!?" I shout. Yuichi is wheezing on all fours at this point, Leo looks like a deer in headlights, eyes as big as dinner plates.

After forcing Leo to clean every corner of My beautiful kitchen, and check up with Donnie, I head to my room to catch much needed Z's. I flop down on my hammock and swing side to side lulling me into restful sleep.

+time skipperccino+

Pov 3rd~

Morning came quick as Mikey's alarm rang nonstop. Mikey hummed and slammed his fist into the snooze button. He sat up with a yawn, 'time for breakfast' he remind himself. He hops off his bed and slowly makes his way to the kitchen. There he sees Yuichi in Leonardo's sleeping shirt, pouring two cups of tea. Mikey mumbles a "g'morning" to the Rabbit as he makes his way through cooking eggs and toast. Donnie is the next to walk in. Most likely due to the smell of breakfast.

"Hmm, good morning Michael," Donnie mumbles rubbing the sleep from his eyes then adds a quick, "Usagi." Finally noticing the Rabbit Yokai.

The younger turtle chuckles, "morning, Donald." As everyone else trickled into the kitchen and started to make small talk, the conversation of patrol yesterday came up.

"I feel like if I had the room to grow and learn," Mikey pointedly looks at his oldest bro, "I'd be able to truly prove myself of being capable of doing solo missions." The orange clad turtle felt confidant in standing up for himself. But his brothers weren't finished doubting his abilities

"Sorry lil bro, I'd have to disagree with that." Leo piped up, "You've had plenty of chances to prove yourself, but in the end you needed your big, strong, handsome, bros to help," He proceeds to show off his muscles form.

"Wha-" Mikey starts but is cut off by Raphael.

"Yeah, little man, I mean you are strong I'll give you that but you still have a ton of growing to do, before you are ready for said solo missions." Mikey grows frustrated when the whole kitchen proceeds to agree with his oldest brother. He also caught onto the total insult his biggest bro sent his way. "Little man"??? "Need room to GROW"?!

"You can't even bare the thought of fighting in the Battle Nexus Arena, without feeling nauseous," Leo boasted.

"If the Battle Nexus is what will make you change your mind about me, I'll just have to compete. That'll show you," Mikey wipes the mist in his eyes, and see the regret on all his family members faces. Poor Yuichi is in the corner completely confused.

Mikey storms out of the Kitchen forgetting breakfast and packs a bag full of his equipment.

Donnie barges into his room, "You can't possibly go into that death trap," he goes on, "Leo didn't mean any of that. You know how he is, always trying to show off to his rabbit friend."

"I'm not changing my mind, Donnie." Orange zips up his duffle and shoulders it.

Donnie sags, "I know," He steps in front of his younger sibling, "that's why I'm coming with you. No 'but's." Mikey grins.

"I wouldn't have it any other way."


(N/A: Heyyyyy, this is my first fic after like five years of being dead... hope y'all like the prologue I promise the next chapters will be soon!! I just needed to jump start the production... WOOO, also schedule will be every Sunday! Stay tuned!!!!

Sweetpotatoe174 OUT!)

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