The Rat Father Sticks Up For His Son

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3rd POV~

Mikey dragged a reluctant Donnie to the turtle tank. "Oh this'll be so much fun," Mikey all but squealed. They made it to the make shift garage. There they find both other brothers and there father waiting near the vehicle.

No one says anything at first, then, "my son," the older Hamato starts, "I cannot have you go the single most dangerous event in all the hidden cities... by yourselves." Oranges father turns and walks towards the ramp of the tank. "That's why I must also accompany you in your journey, and that's final." With that everyone snapped out of there supposed trance and made there way aboard the large vehicle. Mikey walked past his older brothers silently hoping on there downfall. He may be the most emotionally in tuned but he still has the ability to be as petty as he wants.

The trip around New York was very quiet, which is basically unheard of seeing as the Hamato family doesn't have the best track record of being necessarily the quietest bunch. But with one of the turtles giving the others the silent treatment. "Mikey, it still isn't too late to back out of your decision," the teen in red says.

"Donald could you please tell Red I am not in speaking terms with him," Mikey's turns his head away from the general direction of Red.

"Ooooh you got color named, pffft must suck," Leo giggles.

"That applies to you too Blue."

Said turtle gives a disheartened 'awwwe'. "Now Orange, grudges are only for those who hold resentment in their souls."

"Eh, I give this whole thing a day and it'll blow over, pops."

"I didn't take you to be the optimistic one, purple."

"I have my moments." The turtle tank screeches to a halt. "Hm, I guess we've arrived. Okay everyone out it's getting claustrophobic in here." The family of Mutants filter out of the large tank. They faced the tall Nexus hotel. The bell boy greeted them opening the doors wide open. The inside was buzzing with life, bright lights laminate every inch as the Hamato group make there way to the main elevator.

"Hmmm, looks like Big Mama's business is better than ever.

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