A box is battling a star

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(A/N; the video up top is for later in the chapter ;))

~??? POV~

"And there you have 'em folks! Big Mamas rising star, the undefeated, the over-powered, an unstoppable force. VENUS YOKAI-TRAP." the crowd roared in applause as the only standing Yokai basks in the attention. Her back has a protective shell that of an Indian Star tortoise, she is wearing a traditional Japanese kitsune mask, a beige tank top with black sweatpants. The warrior wields a pair of Tessen hand held fans. The Battler turns towards the exit of the arena. Ready to retire to her designated bedroom.

"Ooo, I'm just getting word that there will be a last minute entry. And it looks like our Champion might be fighting kin, a mighty mutant straight from above!" Venus stills at that.

"Kin," she mutters in questioning breath. The doors on the opposite end of the arena shift open, a figure walks out wearing a sleek black jumpsuit with the back open to show off the firm box Shell. Their arms are bare to reveal bright orange spots splattered across their shoulder, matching compression gloves that end at the elbow. The new fighter holds an ancient Kusari-fundo that hums with a dull orange glow. Venus flaps her fans ready to face her next challenge.

The orange spotted turtle swings their weapon waiting for the count down. "And now for the final match of today-" there is an interrupting screech as the mic was taken, "Oh my God, could you be anymore boring? I'm napping over here." The voice squeaks out, "thank you for lending me your mic man, the names Neon Leon and I'll be playing host.

"Now put your hands together for... The Mystic Master, the razz with the tazz, he'll be gliding across the arena cuz he's, MYSTIC COMET." Venus tenses ready to end this fight. The Mystic Comet moves a few steps closer to Venus, "now, who's ready for a fight? 'Cause I'm getting antsy." Venus bolts across the arena slicing her Tessen in the face of her opponent. The Box turtle dodges with ease, swinging his Kushiro-Fundo.

Venus grasps onto the chain and round house flips Mystic Comet onto his back. The Commentator audibly winces, "A winding blow from the Yokai-Trapper, will Mr. Mystic be able to bounce back?" Mr. Mystic did indeed bounce back from the blow. Sending the spinning spike ball to the Fan user.

Venus back flips away from the attack almost as if she were dancing. She waves her fans along side her body and poses waiting for the right time to strike. The Comet uses his Fundo to snatch one of the Champions arms, locking her in a compromising position. Venus, while caught off guard, is sent flying across the arena. Her shell hits the side of the pit. She groans, "Goddamn, for a new comer you sure are brutal," she taunts.

"Well, I have something to prove," Mystic Comet spits.

"Most people who make this personal almost always lose, so let's skip the hassle and give up." Venus pushes forward dodging Comets swings and delivering blows of her own. They dance around each others attacks seamlessly.

The fan wielding warrior is given a careless opening. She doesn't hesitate when knocking Mystic Comet down. Cleanly leaving him unconscious as a result. It seems the commentary is left speechless as the whole stadium is silent.

Then, Venus holds her Tessen fans into the air, cutting the stillness of the moment. The stands roar with fans and patrons alike cheering for the victor of their Beloved Champion. She stretches to ease the multiple tender pains she gained from her opponent. At least this fighter had gotten a few hits on her. It was almost as if she had worthy competition. After a minute, she finally makes her way to the exit of the arena, ready to call it a day.

She makes her way up the hellish amount of steps it took to get down here and heads straight for her personal champion suite. There a tall Armadillo Lizard yokai is waiting. Upon opening the door, he perks up. "Vee, I saw your match on the big screen. Congrats on your win." The YoKai makes his way to the champion.

"Thanks, Mon Mon. But I'm ready to hit the hay," Vee yawns leaning against Mon Mon.

The Lizard let's a low chuckle, "yeah yeah, you go to sleep, just don't forget to take a shower you reek of sweat and blood." And that she did.

Heyyyy I know I'm a day late, BUT I was stuck revising and even rewriting this whole chapter cuz it just wasn't going the way I wanted it to. I eventually figured it out tho so we're all good!! Also yes she is Venus De Milo, and no she did NOT kill anyone she fought... on purpose. Also let me know if y'all want character sheets on all the new comers in the book! Cuz I have a few!!!!!

Yours Dearly,
SweetPotato174 <3)

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